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Many are puzzled as to why President Trump would agree to debate on CNN. While it might seem “crazy” to some, it actually makes perfect sense. Trump knows better than anyone that CNN will play favorites, and he’s ready for it. Why wouldn’t he be? Each time they show their bias, it fuels his mission to dismantle the propaganda media. It gives him and his team the perfect platform to highlight the shameless bias and fake news that our regime-run media have been peddling for eons now. Take Jake Tapper, the host of the upcoming debate between President Trump and Joe Biden. Tapper, a supposed newsman, has repeatedly referred to Trump as “Hitler.” If that’s not evidence of an unserious buffoon, what is?

Here’s more from the beautiful Jake Tapper:

How can anyone take this man seriously after such loony, unhinged behavior? You can’t. It’s totally understandable that Team Trump would seize this moment to call Jake out, setting him up for the major knockout he’s bound to face when his extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome bursts out during Thursday night’s debate. And the moment Trump’s camp brought it up to CNN host Kasie Hunt, she couldn’t handle the heat and cut the feed.

Speaking of Kasie Hunt, remember she’s the “reporter” who once called Rand Paul’s assault by his neighbor her “favorite story.”

Libs of TikTok:

CNN anchor @kasie celebrated the attack on Sen. Rand Paul which left him with 6 broken ribs and said it was “one of my favorite stories.”

Now she’s crying because Trump spokesperson @kleavittnh shared Jake Tapper’s own words and Kasie thinks this is “an attack”

Wild that Kasie still even has a job after those disgraceful remarks about @SenRandPaul.

Yet, Kasie seems to think she’s above everyone else, including any member of Team Trump, acting as if she’s too good to owe anyone a serious discussion about CNN’s rampant unprofessional and disgraceful behavior.

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This is the viral video clip where CNN, unable to handle the truth about Jake Tapper’s severe Stage 5 TDS and radical anti-Trump propaganda, abruptly cut the feed on Team Trump when they were raising legitimate concerns about Tapper’s ability to remain impartial—we all know he can’t.

While everyone’s caught up in Tapper and CNN’s dramatic meltdown, Glenn Greenwald revealed a more significant and damning aspect of that clip. He pointed out something that really showcases just how deplorable our media has become.

Glenn nailed it. Our so-called elite media are such utter snobs; they truly believe they are beyond reproach. Think about this: CNN, a “news” network that gets pummeled by reruns of SpongeBob in the ratings, still acts like it’s the beacon of truth. These bozo reporters, perched on their high horses, treat you—the unwashed masses—as if you’re beneath them, unworthy of an explanation or apology for their slew of fake news stories and unprofessional antics. This blatant contempt for anyone not toeing the progressive line is stunning. If you dare think differently, they dismiss you as irrelevant, unworthy of even a basic explanation or civil debate. If this arrogance doesn’t show you the absolute trash state of our media, what will? They wear their disdain like a badge of honor, so lost in their own echo chambers, they can’t fathom just how despised they are. They’d rather watch their ratings plummet more than admit they were wrong or address legitimate concerns or their blatant wrongdoings because, ultimately, their top priority isn’t the truth or even “news”—it’s stopping Trump at all costs. Period.