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Tragically, battling the left’s sinister agenda—particularly their drive to control the minds, bodies, and souls of our nation’s children—is becoming increasingly tough. And it’s not because the Dems have stepped up their game; it’s because too many on the right are weak, easily-rolled ding-a-lings, driven by guilt, misplaced virtue, and the inability to actually parent their kids.

We’re speaking specifically of the dangerous trans movement. This controversial issue is heating up, thanks to red states that are fighting back. Now, the Supreme Court will hear arguments over state bans on gender mutilation.


The Supreme Court on Monday jumped into the fight over transgender rights, agreeing to hear an appeal from the Biden administration seeking to block state bans on gender-affirming

The justices’ action comes as Republican-led states have enacted a variety of restrictions on health care for transgender people, school sports participation, bathroom usage and drag shows. The administration and Democratic-led states have extended protections for transgender people, including a new federal regulation that seeks to protect transgender students.

The case before the high court involves a law in Tennessee that restrict puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors. The federal appeals court in Cincinnati allowed laws in Tennessee and Kentucky to take effect after they had been blocked by lower courts. (The high court did not act on a separate appeal from Kentucky.)

“Without this Court’s prompt intervention, transgender youth and their families will remain in limbo, uncertain of whether and where they can access needed medical care,” lawyers for the transgender teens in Tennessee told the justices.

Actor Elliot Page, the Oscar-nominated star of “Juno,” “Inception” and “The Umbrella Academy,” was among 57 transgender people who joined a legal filing in support of Supreme Court review.

Arguments will take place in the fall.

Sadly, while many on the right are standing firm against this child abuse, as usual, some so-called “right-wingers” are undermining the fight. They’re getting rickrolled by their mentally ill kids and “experts,” who resemble witchdoctors more than medical professionals. Sean P. Madden is a perfect example of a big, dumb “conservative” dog who got steamrolled by a teenager and fake experts. Once a registered Republican, Sean changed his tune completely after his son began experimenting with dressing like a lady. Now, Sean has flipped his entire worldview and has dedicated his life to child abuse.

Sean’s twisted journey is a perfect example of how these naive “conservatives” can be lured down the primrose path. He wrote an op-ed for USA Today, detailing his family’s support for teenage fetishes.

USA Today:

I write as the proud father of a courageous, kind and empathetic 24-year-old transgender daughter to provide some insight into our family’s experience with gender-affirming care and hopefully to correct some of the most egregious misinformation about it.


When our daughter came out to us as transgender just before her 16th birthday, we listened to her intently, trying to understand what she was going through and how we could best support her. And we questioned, like many parents of transgender children do initially, whether this was just a phase that she would outgrow. In hindsight, we didn’t really comprehend then what it would mean for her to be transgender, but we understood clearly that she was suffering.

One of the most common misconceptions about being transgender is that it reflects a choice, closely related to the false narrative of “social contagion” whereby children allegedly are influenced to identify as transgender by peer pressure, especially through social media.

However, when we consulted experts in transgender care, we came to understand what a federal court at the time found after hearing the evidence: “that being transgender is not a ‘preference,’ that being transgender has a medically-recognized biological basis, and that it is an innate and non-alterable status.”

In response to questioning whether our daughter was going through a phase, her medical and mental health care team informed us that a transgender individual is someone who “consistently, persistently, and insistently” identifies as a different gender than their assignment at birth, in contrast to cisgender (i.e., nontransgender) people who may merely experiment with gender expression that does not conform to stereotypical notions of gender-appropriate appearances.

He’s right about one thing—being trans it’s not a “choice,” it’s a marketing trend pushed on mentally ill, confused teens who desperately need solid parental support and guidance. Instead, they’re getting weak, spineless Republican jellyfish like Sean, who simply roll over to whatever whims their crazy teens express. Sean may not be too bright, but he’s at least as smart as a parrot in his ability to memorize the regime’s transgender line and regurgitate it for the masses, as you’ll see in this section of his op-ed:

We came to another important realization on our family’s transition journey: Inaction is not a neutral option, and for adolescents experiencing gender dysphoria, nonintervention increases the risk of adverse mental and physical health outcomes.

Gender dysphoria is a medically recognized condition suffered by many transgender individuals, characterized by debilitating distress and anxiety resulting from the incongruence between a person’s gender identity and sex assigned at birth. The onset of puberty and its associated development of secondary sex characteristics can trigger or exacerbate gender dysphoria.

Sean is so gullible and fearful of real parenting that he completely upended his life for his cross-dressing teenage son. Sean transitioned from being an attorney to the director of GRACE (Gender Research Advisory Council & Education), a group that bills itself as a “nonpartisan” nonprofit focused on public affairs and communication. They claim to provide “evidence-based education” on transgender issues, which sounds mighty fishy to the average sane person. Thankfully, he’s also exited the Republican Party, which means one less noodle-spine for us to deal with. His op-ed in USA Today concludes:

I was a registered Republican for decades, and I know there is nothing conservative about interposing the state between a child and their parents and physicians who know best how to care for that child.

Here’s his bio:

Sean P. Madden, Esq, is a director of GRACE (Gender Research Advisory Council & Education), a nonpartisan communications and public affairs nonprofit that provides evidence-based education about transgender people and the health care they receive. He is a retired attorney, investor and transgender rights ally and advocate. He lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his wife.

On the GRACE website, here is where they beg for “Corporate Support”:

Supporting the transgender community and educating the public and policy makers is a cornerstone of the GRACE mission. A key component of advocacy is the voice of the business community, so engaging the corporate community and providing education, insights, and a means of advocating for the community through GRACE is important for the transgender community.

So often corporations rely on their own transgender colleagues to advocate for their community needs. While well intended, these colleagues are oftentimes doing all they can to focus on their individual daily work and surviving the current climate, without the time, energy, or expertise to educate advise corporate stakeholders on the issues and policies affecting the community. GRACE can provide that support, from the C-Suite to colleague education.​

Your support of GRACE enables your colleagues to focus on what they do best, performing their daily duties, while GRACE takes on the challenge of changing the public and policy narrative as well as advising, educating, and consulting with your corporation on transgender issues.

To learn more, please respond below with your information and a GRACE member will reach out to discuss corporate sponsorship levels with you, along with details for how GRACE can be an instrumental partner in helping your company navigate the complexities of transgender issues.

Like everything else in America, the whole transgender “movement” has shifted into a grift and a money grab.

Good political riddance to Sean and his weak, fearful gullibility. Let this serve as a warning to other conservatives who might share Sean-like tendencies. It takes genuine courage to stand firm against the left’s sinister agenda, but if you truly want to protect your family—and especially your vulnerable children—you need to stand strong and parent with truth, faith, and guidance. Otherwise, you risk spiraling down the same progressive abyss that has swallowed Sean and his cross-dressing son.