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NBC’s medical drama “New Amsterdam” has finally been put out of its misery after six grueling seasons.

The Economic Times:

Despite its strong premise and dedicated fan base, New Amsterdam faced the axe after its fifth season. Declining viewership and ratings were cited as the primary reasons for the cancellation, a decision that left many, including executive producer Peter Horton, perplexed.

This flop of a “woke” show seemed like it would go out with nary a whimper, but now it looks like it may be going out with a bang after an old episode from several years ago went viral online—but not in a good way. The internet is mocking a scene from the show that was somehow hidden away in plain sight for years. This scene is so ludicrous you’d swear it was an SNL spoof—the show suggests that “racism” caused a mixed-race Latino kid to develop tumors throughout his body.

Now, to address the first question popping into your head: No, this wasn’t a joke or an SNL skit. They were dead serious.

And to your likely follow-up question: Yes, this episode itself was 100 percent cancerous. When it first came out, the loonies on the left gobbled the woke nonsense right up, and the media slurred it down like a “groundbreaking” oat milk latte that “pushes boundaries.”


This week’s episode focused on Dr. Sharpe’s patient Cephas Fernandez, a 13-year-old Latinx boy who has developed tumors throughout his stomach. Although the tumors are benign, Sharpe informs both Cephas and his mother that the tumors formed because Cephas’ body has been producing high levels of cortisol: the body’s stress hormone.

Sharpe sends Cephas to Iggy for a psych evaluation in hopes of getting to the root of Cephas’ stress. After asking him a series of questions on social resistance, Iggy concludes that, even though Cephas doesn’t realize it, his body is internalizing all of the microaggressions and racism that he deals with on a daily basis. Which in turn, has caused his tumors.

For those who haven’t experienced racism, Cephas’ diagnosis may seem a little far fetched. But, over the years, medical research has found what black and brown communities have known for quite some time: that racism, whether unintentional or intentional, can have some damaging health effects on the body.

According to sCiEnCe, “racism” is the root of all evils, including diabetes, heart disease, and a whole host of other nasty diseases. Man, dodge the climate change bullet, and bam, the bigot bug’s got you. Tough break, folks. And it doesn’t stop there—the Femstella article really piles it on, promoting some truly spectacular junk science:

In 2019, scientists from USC and UCLA studied a focus group of 71 people, with two-thirds of the group being African-American, while the rest were white. The scientists found that the African-American participants had higher levels of inflammatory molecules than the white subjects.

April Thames, an associate professor of psychology and psychiatry told Science Daily that the connection between discrimination and health isn’t exactly surprising.

“We know discrimination is linked to health outcomes, but no one was sure exactly how it harmed health. I looked at it as a chronic stressor. Our results showed that racial discrimination appears to trigger an inflammatory response among African Americans at the cellular level.”

And as the team of scientists took a deeper look at the results, they found that “racism may account for as much as 50 percent of the heightened inflammation among African Americans.”

If left untreated, chronic inflammation can lead to cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and asthma.

Somehow, all of this nonsense went under the radar for over four years, until it was dredged up on X for all of the world to see. You’ll need to experience this show and the “cancer racism” scene for yourself to really take in the level of cringe that we are dealing with. But remember, this level of cringe could be lethal. Watch at your own risk.

It’s truly astonishing that these actors can deliver this slop with a straight face. Maybe they’re better actors than we thought?

The full scene on the show’s YouTube channel does not fail to deliver, either. It’s packed with even more hilarious cringe and sloppy woke liberal tropes that will have you rolling on the floor, laughing at the sheer stupidity of it all.

Watch the full scene on YouTube here, but be warned—you might just catch cancer from the sheer stupidity of it all.

Here’s a breakdown of what happens in the ten-minute scene:

  • The mixed-race Latino kid named “Cephas” likes to read books, but the racist librarian won’t let him check out books that are reserved for “gifted” students only.
  • The “white savior” liberal psychiatrist-who-cares, a Jack Black-type character, cleverly peels off the layers of Cephas’ psychology using a Harvard-designed “microaggressions” test to discover the hidden cause of the mixed-race kids’ elevated cortisol levels: racism.
  • The psychologist explains the results to the kid’s mother as the black British lady doctor nods knowingly and explains the source of Cephas’ “social resistance”: “when people like us oppose the values and policies of the dominant culture.”
  • “Your son, he feels threatened on a daily basis. Like everything he’s earned can just be taken away. He’s disenfranchised. But because his life is seemingly free from all this, because he can’t name it, he’s internalizing it.”
  • A white goth lady, “Sandra from billing,” plays the role of stand-in for the healthcare establishment, pushing back on the psychiatrist because there is no billing code for “racism.” She accuses him of handwriting a note in the margin “like a Bern Bro during the 2016 general election.”
  • The psychiatrist refuses to change his billing codes even though insurance won’t pay for a “racism” diagnosis because patients will be hurt, like Cephas. That’s because, you see, if heroic psychiatrists like the Jack Black type don’t bill health insurance under “racism” diagnoses, then there won’t be “the data” to prove that racism “can cause life-threatening medical issues.” And there you have it: liberals actually believe that there is a hidden epidemic of racism causing life-threatening medical issues covered up by the fact that there is no health insurance billing code for racism.
  • Stress from racism caused Cephas to develop tumors because he is so “open” to the world. “That boy is extraordinary.”
  • The black British lady says that even though she works in a progressive hospital, “I have to deal with microaggressions every day from people who mean well. From people who should know better.”
  • The psychiatrist nudges Cephas to conclude that the librarian wouldn’t let him check out the book “because of the color of my skin.” Because, as we all know, the librarian profession is a hotbed of Jim Crow racism.
  • The psychiatrist explains to Cephas that “racism is so deeply ingrained in our society that people, myself included, we often don’t realize that we’re perpetuating it.”
  • Cephas undergoes a realization with the psychiatrist:
    • “So, when people give me nicknames I don’t want because my name is different…”
    • “Yes, that is a microaggression because of the color of your skin.”
    • “What about when adults tell me that I speak really good English.”
    • “It’s because of the color of your skin.”
    • “Or when people assume I only got into my school because I’m diverse.”
    • “Yes.”
    • “When the teacher tells me to lower my voice, even though I’m not the only one talking. Or, she makes me answer all the La-THEEN-o questions because I’m the only one in the room.”
    • “Yes.”
  • The psychiatrist explains to Cephas that he will help him “process” the racism because, “If we can name it, we can treat it.”

After watching this, it’s no wonder this left-wing propaganda show got canceled. You’ve got to wonder if there was a right-wing troll on the writing staff. If so, he’s probably sitting in his cubicle right now, laughing his butt off and shocked that he actually pulled this lunacy off.

Here’s some bonus slop from a different episode of the show for you to enjoy:

In a sense, it’s a shame that this show is getting cancelled because we could all use a good laugh from time to time.