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Ah, summertime is here again, and with it, our favorite spectacle: out-of-touch elitist politicians clumsily trying to morph into “average Joes” at their staged BBQs. These clowns are so hilariously out of sync with how real Americans live that their attempts at casual backyard grilling are just cringeworthy, staged, and downright insulting. These affluent political jokers couldn’t be more detached from the everyday lives of the people they represent. They simply aren’t like us—not in any way, shape, or form.

The latest casualty of this embarrassing BBQ photo-op is none other than Chuck Schumer, whose Father’s Day post was such a colossal, fake flop that he scrambled to delete it. But Chuck’s not alone in this BBQ blunder. Who could forget Terry McAuliffe’s July 4th photo? There he stood, like an absolute doofus, in front of a grill full of raw burgers that wasn’t even turned on—honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

@TerryMcAuliffe's video Tweet

But Chuck may have outdone Terry in the awkward BBQ department. Here’s the cringeworthy “Father’s Day” post that Schumer, the self-proclaimed “apartment dweller,” quickly deleted. Did you catch how he made sure to mention his daughter “wife,” and oh, he’s apparently never manned a grill in his life because of living in an apartment—or something like that? Never mind that Americans who live in apartments barbecue all the time. The takeaway here is to never miss a chance to pander to as many groups as possible in your painfully staged PR-stunt photos.

Needless to say, Chuck was roasted across the internet like a cheap cut of meat for that embarrassing photo. Picture this: gray, frozen, uncooked hamburgers topped with sad, unmelted cheese—truly a masterclass in how not to grill.

Here are some more comments from folks online:

“Those burgers aren’t even cooked. They look rotten with cheese on it lmaoooo”

“Never bbq’d in his life.”

“Demons eat meat raw”

“How many people noticed the grill is off?”

“Chuck needs a bra.”

“I have less issue with the cheese than I do with the fact these millionaires are eating premade patties from a box.”

“Shouldn’t Chuck’s husband be doing the grill?”

“Those gray burgers look like they’re a week past their sell by date.”

“These people try so hard to seem like normal human beings…”

“I just can’t understand why their employees can’t make the grill look good and then tell him what to do for the photo opp. You know there is an employee there. Do his employees all hate him?”

That last comment is quite telling and reveals another devastating truth about the political elite: not only are they out-of-touch, but so are their lackeys. It’s clear as day: none of the ghouls inside the cushy political bubble have the faintest idea how “real people” live. It’s no surprise that the majority of their policies cater to wealthy donors and lobbyists rather than the crumbling middle class that Chuck Schumer, the E. coli grill master, has proudly helped to destroy.

Why, hello fellow cheeseburger lovers!