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On Tuesday, the House wrapped up their explosive investigation into Merrick Garland’s DOJ, ending in a spectacular display of fireworks that lit up the Swamp. The big finale exposed the Biden regime’s cockamamie political warfare and their attempts at election interference. But most of us already knew this, so what comes next from the all-talk, no-action Republicans?


The House Judiciary Committee has concluded its Justice Department oversight hearing following hours of testimony from Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Members from both sides of the aisle quizzed Garland on a range of topics for about five hours on Tuesday, with GOP lawmakers occasionally engaging in testy exchanges with him over former President Donald Trump’s criminal cases and other DOJ matters.

Democrats spent much of their time heaping praise on the department and defending its actions amid attacks on the DOJ from their Republican colleagues.

Garland was in the hot seat and didn’t fare well, thanks to GOP warriors like Thomas Massie, who wasted no time tearing into Garland and the Biden regime for destroying every last shred of credibility. Massie used the case of a high-profile January 6th political prisoner to drive his point home. Lt. Col. Brock, a former Air Force officer who entered the Capitol on January 6 and was sentenced to two years in prison, is behind the appellate court decision that reversed the “administration of justice” enhancement on obstruction convictions. This was one of two sentencing recommendations from the DOJ that the appeals court found to be unlawful. Rep. Thomas Massie grilled Garland on both issues today.

A standout moment from the day was when Massie fiercely criticized and questioned Jack Smith’s actual appointment as special counsel. Smith wasn’t even approved by the Senate, so how is he allowed to pursue this political hit job?

Awakened Outlaw:

Save and share the hell out of this clip.

This destroys Jack Smith even being appointed as a Special Prosecutor, and Merrick Garland by proxy.

There now remains a 0% chance Smith and his co-conspirators can lawfully move their case forward as the Special Counsel office was never lawfully established – and it turns out that’s kind of impt.

But don’t take my word for it, Garland flat-out admits as much right here.

Absolute destruction delivered masterfully by Congressman (R-KY) @ThomasMassie

Hat’s of to you, Congressman. 🫡

h/t @Travis_4_Trump 👊

Merrick’s tactics of lawfare and election interference were laid bare for all to see. His only response to this exposure was to dismiss any questioning of his actions as “dangerous conspiracy theories”—a pathetic and feeble excuse that simply doesn’t stand up anymore.

Rep Matt Gaetz:

BREAKING: Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

AG Merrick Garland says it’s a “dangerous conspiracy theory” to allege that the Department of Justice is communicating with state and local prosecutions against Trump.

But former senior DOJ official Matthew Colangelo was appointed Senior Counsel to District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to “get Trump” – as detailed in Mark Pomerantz’s book!

However, the pressing question of the day came from Indiana Rep. Spartz; she wondered if Garland has a “Plan B” in case the Supreme Court overturns his widespread injustice. What will Merrick do when his entire plan implodes? As we figured, his response left a lot to be desired.

The bottom line is that Merrick doesn’t have a “Plan B.” It’s weaponized injustice or nothing.

Garland had a rough day all around, confronting the laundry list of epic failures from the inept Biden regime, including the tragic murder of Laken Riley by one of Joe’s precious illegals.

Things got so bad that Merrick even found himself in hot water, getting grilled over Biden’s drooling incompetence from Rep. Andy Biggs.

As we watch all of this lawfare and injustice unfold, don’t forget who likely handpicked Merrick for this very important mission.

Gain of Fauci:

Merrick Garland was hand-picked by Barack Obama for this role as a political operative masquerading as the Attorney General of the United States. Obama knew that Garland’s SCOTUS nomination would never go through and only used that to garner attention and sympathy for MG while falsely promoting him as a “trusted, qualified and principled individual.” Obama and the entire MSM actually called Garland “very moderate” politically, which is insane.

It’s also important to know that the DOJ had already been MASSIVELY purged, corrupted and politicized by Obama well before Garland became AG. He just happened to be one of the last pieces needed to make this among the most corrupt departments of government in US history. The closest competition is ironically with a few other current departments that are run by Barack Obama in a very similar fashion.

This is an EXTREMELY dangerous political arm of the left that is led by a completely controlled political operative… an operative that is obeying every single command of the shadow president above him.

When it was all said and done, Merrick Garland appeared weak, defensive, and unsure of himself. No wonder—he knows the regime’s entire house of cards is about to tumble down, and they don’t have a viable “Plan B.” They went all-in on lawfare, and the only place they managed a shaky conviction was in New York City with the laughable “hush money” trial, which is likely to be overturned on appeal. Jack Smith, Merrick’s golden boy, has seen both of his high-profile cases—the classified documents sham and the January 6 kangaroo court—successfully delayed, at least until after the election, and maybe permanently. With the Democrats’ backs against the wall, as gratifying as that may be, it also gives us pause. When cornered, there’s no telling what desperate and violent moves they might make next.