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This video you’re about to see should act as a public service announcement for all the young men gearing up to dive into the dating pool. Beware; this monstrosity is what’s waiting for you, so tread very carefully. What are we talking about? There’s a bizarre new “therapy” catching on among elite women who’ve lost all sense of hope and direction and have cash to burn. They’re flocking to “rage retreats,” where, for a hefty fee, they can be dropped off in the woods with a stick to wildly thrash at any unsuspecting piece of nature within arm’s reach.

This disturbing “therapy” is a prime example of just how mentally twisted and spiritually lost the left truly is. They’ve turned their backs on God and now grasp at any ridiculous thing for answers. This not only makes them miserable souls but also makes them easy targets for scam artists.

USA Today:

Kimberly Helmus still gets chills thinking about her first rage ritual.

Two-and-a-half years ago after her divorce, the cybersecurity engineer embarked on a retreat to Scotland with Mia Banducci − an author and self-described “Spiritual Fairy Godmother,” better known online as Mia Magik.

As part of the retreat, Banducci held a rage ritual: a ceremony in which participants scream and beat large sticks on the ground in the woods. Participants are encouraged to think of people and experiences that have wronged them and to scream and swing the sticks for at least 20 minutes, or until they can no longer move their arms.

Rage rituals have garnered attention on TikTok, where they’ve resonated, particularly with women. In comments, women describe how moving it is to see other women embody their anger − an emotion experts say society often discourages women from expressing.

“There’s no place where you can see women be able to be angry like that and it not be condemned,” Helmus says. ” ‘She’s just hormonal. She’s just unhinged. She’s just crazy. She’s just on her period. She’s just, whatever.’ This was a place where you were, probably for the first time in a really, really long time, if ever, able to scream out loud things about how you felt.”

Also, there’s something to be said about taking “therapy” a bit too far. You can really start diving into some bizarre territory, like shelling out thousands of dollars to mercilessly beat the crap out of the environment. Aren’t these lefties supposed to be caring for the planet, not beating the living daylights out of it?

What these angry, confused, and unbalanced women probably need is a dose of stability. They should consider going to church, focusing on family, and finding hope, joy, and incredible achievement in the simple pleasures of life, like raising well-balanced, respectful kids, cultivating faith, and falling in love with their husbands all over again. That sure beats shelling out thousands to throw a toddler-like tantrum in the middle of the woods with a bunch of unhappy boxed-wineaholics.