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Bumbling Biden strikes again, folks. His grasp on “foreign policy” seems as sharp as a Q-tip. Now, we’re witnessing what looks like evidence that Biden’s wildly reckless move to fund Haiti police with Land Cruisers has (predictably) benefited the cannibal gang lords terrorizing the nation. These gang leaders are now flaunting their newfound wheels in slick propaganda videos, cruising around as if they’re the law. Thanks a lot, Joe.

The X account “Oilfield Rando,” known for his sharp commentary, has kept a keen eye on this unfolding story. He captured a telling photo where he highlighted a police siren, suggesting that the gangs would probably not order custom “police land cruisers” with sirens, but rather, they’re utilizing the ones funded by US tax dollars for the Haitian police. It’s a compelling point. The idea of cannibal gang members surfing the web to place orders for “police cars” seems far-fetched at best.

Don’t forget to pay your taxes, everyone—those bloodthirsty gangs aren’t going to buy their own squad cars, after all.

This looks to be the contract for the land cruisers that Oilfield Rando showed in his post. By all accounts, these cruisers now appear to be in the hands of cannibal gang lords, like the esteemed “Mr. Barbecue.”

Honestly, is anyone even surprised at this point? We literally armed the Taliban with billions of dollars in military gear.

The Maine Wire:

The Times of London reports that the US simply abandoned a truly astounding arsenal of military equipment and weapons. This reportedly includes up to 22,174 Humvee vehicles, nearly 1,000 armored vehicles, 64,363 machine guns, and 42,000 pick-up trucks and SUVs. So, too, the list of allegedly abandoned weaponry includes up to 358,530 assault rifles, 126,295 pistols, and nearly 200 artillery units. Oh, and the Taliban will likely inherit state-of-the-art military helicopters, warplanes, and other aircraft from the US, too.

And now, bumbling Joe Biden is tossing “relief” cash at Haiti, a place without a proper leader, just gangs running wild. Seriously, where does he think that money’s going? Does Biden really believe Mr. Barbecue is going to spend that cash on rice and grain, distributing it to the needy? Insanity.

Squirrel Mama:

Haiti is in turmoil again, the guy running the country is called Barbecue because he likes burning people??

Clinton foundation took 8 million of our tax dollars that was given to Haiti in 2010 for earthquake relief !

Now Biden regime wants to throw millions to Haiti and the elected President has fled to Puerto Rico in fear for his life!

Now tell me who are we sending the money too, their is no government.

So we’re giving millions to Barbecue to buy more charcoal?

Also, the mystery of the billions sent to Ukraine remains unsolved. At this point, it seems the “police land cruiser” debacle is just par for the course for ol’ Grandpa Joe and his laundry list of failed and dangerous policies.