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Believe it or not, Nikki Haley finally notched a win, and it couldn’t be more appropriate: the notorious, slime-coated DC swamp. That’s right, it’s a “win” that suits her to a “t”: snagging a few delegates from arguably the most corrupt spot in the nation. But don’t be fooled; even Nikki managed to screw up the “swamp win.”

The Telegraph:

Haley won DC because it had the highest combined Kasich and Rubio vote share of any state or county in the country. Their 72 per cent meant Haley started with a big advantage. Considering this, her loss would have come as a massive shock.

The surprise came from the fact she ran 9 points behind their performance. They did not receive a majority in any of the states voting on Super Tuesday that held primaries eight years ago. Her best upcoming state by this metric, Vermont, only gave the pair 49 per cent back then. She needs to do better than they did collectively, not worse.

Her fate looks dire when applies this approach to Tuesday’s electorate. Only one other state, Virginia, gave Kasich and Rubio more than 40 per cent. Massachusetts gave them 36 per cent, and they did not top 30 per cent anywhere else. It’s hard to see how she wins any of these states if she’s running behind their vote.

Nikki followed up with a pretty odd “victory tweet,” talking about battling for every “inch.”


Well, in all fairness, maybe Nikki’s comparison to “inches” was spot-on. After all, the DC Swamp is literally screwing the American people, right?

Speaking of the Swamp, President Trump responded perfectly to Haley’s embarrassing “win” in the DC cesspool.

Imagine if President Trump had actually clinched a victory in the mess that is DC. It would have left many of his supporters scratching their heads, and definitely not in a good way. Our capital has become a symbol of everything that’s wrong with our government and the decline of this nation: a hotbed of criminality, deceit, warmongering, and rampant corruption. It’s like an exclusive club where decent folks like us never get a pass. Trump stands as the sworn enemy of this DC Swamp, whereas Nikki Haley is their queen. Really, is there a more fitting testament to Trump’s “America First” ethos than dominating in every state but losing the murky waters of the Swamp to Neocon Nikki? It’s a stark, almost poetic contrast that speaks volumes about who he is and, sadly, who she is as well.

Now it’s official: President Trump is the people’s choice, and Nikki Haley? She’s earned the title “Queen of the Swamp.” If this stark difference doesn’t guide your decision-making, we’re not sure what will. Sometimes, fate really does simplify our options. Nikki Haley’s campaign has been a lost cause, faring far worse than some foolishly predicted. Like DeSantis and others before her, she’s hit the solid MAGA wall. The truth is that Republican conservatives rally behind Trump, showing a clear preference for MAGA over the outdated and dusty GOP establishment playbook. By Super Tuesday, expect Haley’s campaign to be six feet under.