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Hurry, someone call 911 because President Trump just killed the border bill with one Truth post. As Human Events editor and popular pro-Trump surrogate Jack Posobiec put it, “Trump just marched the bill into the street and shot it in the head.” Spot on, Jack. We couldn’t think of a better way to put it.

Here’s a closeup of President Trump’s post:

The same guy who’s basically asking for an impeachment with the whole border invasion is all in on this disaster of a bill. If that’s not a dead giveaway and a bad idea, we’re not sure what is.

Cory Mills:

You know a border bill is terrible when the person responsible for the crisis is endorsing it. This alone should tell Americans EVERYTHING!

Mayorkas needs to be impeached and criminally prosecuted for the humanitarian, economic, national security, and health crisis he and Biden created.

This bill is so bad, it’s jaw-dropping that any so-called “Republican” would support it.

Charlie Kirk:

The new border “deal” is so disastrous that even when in an “emergency,” the Border Patrol is supposed to “process” (read: let in) a minimum of 1,400 people per day – more than 500,000 per year. It is flabbergasting a single Republican could ever consider this acceptable.

1,400 per day should be the floor for DEPORTATIONS under any remotely viable deal, not illegal entries.

Thankfully, Trump’s message is resonating throughout the political world. Speaker Mike Johnson has already announced the bill is “dead” when and if it hits the House.


I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, “the border never closes.”

If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival.

Schumer’s seeing red after Trump torpedoed his bill, and now he’s on live TV, practically having a meltdown. He’s throwing around threats of World War III, telling Americans it’s either cough up more cash for Ukraine or face the deadly consequences.

And don’t overlook the fact that Nikki, the poster child for neocons, was all in on that terrible bill. Despite the Republican base rallying to get it axed, she’s still silent, not daring to speak out against it. So, what’s the takeaway? It screams loud and clear that Nikki Haley is playing for Team Schumer and McConnell, two of the biggest “America Last” hacks in the game.

This is the type of America Last garbage that Nikki Haley gives her “stamp of approval” on:

Here’s a closeup of the image:

While we’re tangled up in debates over funding foreign borders, leaving our own wide open, El Salvador just gave a resounding yes to their leader, a guy who’s genuinely putting in the work for his people, not bending to donors, lobbyists, and bureaucrats.

The sad truth is that Democrats and the uni-party regime are destroying America from within. World leaders have noticed and pointed it out, but too many Americans are still snoozing, totally blind to the neon signs flashing warnings in their faces.

How can we justify fighting tooth and nail to protect foreign borders while ours are wide open and being invaded by people like this?

As we all know by now, there are already laws in place that clearly state that jumping the border is illegal. This disastrous border bill is just another regime-backed money laundering scheme designed to build up Ukraine’s coffers and pad the bank accounts of elitist senators who’ve turned kickbacks into an art form.