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An incident unfolding in Australia will leave you gobsmacked. It involves an autistic teenager whose parents were desperately trying to cope with their son’s interest in “questionable” content on YouTube. In a move they’d soon regret, they turned to the police for assistance, never anticipating that the authorities would not offer help but instead entrap and arrest their son.

Sally Rugg, a campaign strategist, had this to say about the case on X:

We’re seeing the same types of scenarios unfold right here in the US. Just look at the FBI’s involvement in the Whitmer kidnapping sham and the entrapment events of January 6th.

Revolver has extensively covered both incidents, and this piece we did on the Whitmer Fednapping Plot is worth a look:

It is important to emphasize just what a sham the Whitmer Kidnapping Plot really was. Defense Attorney Joshua Blanchard was a hero for correctly employing an entrapment defense—indeed, even by FBI standards the behavior here was egregious.

As Revolver noted last year on the so-called Michigan Kidnapping Plot:

A look at the annotated indictment reveals that at every level of the [Michigan Kidnapping] plot, FBI operatives played the most important leadership roles:

-The plot’s “explosives expert,” who the plotters were accused of planning to buy bombs from, turned out to be an FBI agent.

-The head of transportation for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI agent.

-The head of security for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI informant.

-At least two undercover FBI informants were active participants in the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in which the plot to storm Capitol buildings was allegedly hatched — meaning at least three FBI informants infiltrated before the conspiracy even started.

The Michigan plot would be bad enough if it were simply an isolated scandal—but it is far from isolated. Indeed, Revolver News was the first to underscore the significant parallels between the Michigan Kidnapping hoax and the January 6 Fedsurrection:

Let’s recap what we’ve established. Just months prior to the U.S. Capitol Siege on 1/6, the FBI thwarted a similar plot involving a siege at the Michigan State Capitol, whose plotters belong to one of the three main militia groups associated with 1/6. The FBI was able to thwart this on the basis of an astonishing infiltration rate of said groups involving undercover operatives and informants who had been working in such capacity, just in one tiny Michigan network, for more than seven months. They were so well-infiltrated that they already had three informants embedded in this random Three Percenter network before any plot was even hatched. Furthermore, just days after the plot was foiled, FBI director Christopher Wray quietly promoted the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Michigan Plot operation to a coveted D.C. field post, where he now oversees the investigation into 1/6.

The Special Agent in Charge, by the way, is who establishes, extends, renews and supervises all FBI undercover operations.

It is worth reading that again and letting it sink in: of all of the FBI agents FBI Director Wray could have promoted to the coveted DC Field Office position, he promoted Steven D’Antuono—the former head of the Detroit Field Office who oversaw the entire Michigan Kidnapping entrapment hoax.

Steven D’Antuono ran the FBI DC Field Office in the critical months preceding January 6, and on January 6, and went on to lead the investigation into January 6. Steven D’Antuono is even the public face of the FBI’s investigation into the conspicuously dirty “Pipe Bomb” investigation.

You can read the entire compelling piece below:

Feds strike back: alleged Whitmer kidnapping plotters found “guilty” in retrial of infamous fed entrapment hoax…

In truth, it’s easier to avoid a bear trap in the woods than dodge these well-crafted fed setups. Yet, the only reason this particular story is gaining traction in the left-leaning media is because it involves radical Islamic terrorism. Had the teen been labeled a “right-winger,” they’d be cheering the bust and ignoring the tactics that were used.

The Guardian:

Counter-terrorism police encouraged an autistic 13-year-old boy in his fixation on Islamic State in an undercover operation after his parents sought help from the authorities.

The boy, given the pseudonym Thomas Carrick, was later charged with terror offences after an undercover officer “fed his fixation” and “doomed” the rehabilitation efforts Thomas and his parents had engaged in, a Victorian children’s court magistrate found.

Thomas spent three months in custody before he was granted bail in October 2022, after an earlier bail was revoked because he failed to comply with conditions.

Parent, this seems like it shouldn’t have to be said, but don’t turn to the cops for help with your kids, go to church or a mental hospital, or anything but the government. The Guardian piece goes on:

Thomas, an NDIS recipient with an IQ of 71, was first reported to police by Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and then by his parents because of his fixation with Islamic State, which included him accessing extremist material online and making threats to other students.

On 17 April 2021, his parents went to a police station and asked for help because Thomas was watching Islamic State-related videos on his computer and had asked his mother to buy bomb-making ingredients such as sulphur and acetone.

Thomas was investigated and charged with two terror offences by the Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT), which comprises Australian federal police, Victoria police and Asio members.

The authorities were bound and determined to throw the book at this poor, mixed-up kid. The Guardian piece continues:

The court granted a permanent stay on the charges in October last year, but a copy of the decision has only recently been published.

“The community would not expect law enforcement officers to encourage a 13-14 year old child towards racial hatred, distrust of police and violent extremism, encouraging the child’s fixation on ISIS,” magistrate Lesley Fleming said in the decision.

“The community would not expect law enforcement to use the guise of a rehabilitation service to entice the parents of a troubled child to engage in a process that results in potential harm to the child.

“The conduct engaged in by the JCTT and the AFP falls so profoundly short of the minimum standards expected of law enforcement offices [sic] that to refuse this [stay] application would be to condone and encourage further instances of such conduct.”

Fleming found the JCTT also deliberately delayed charging Thomas with offences until after he turned 14, as it made it harder for him to use the defence of doli incapax, which refers to the concept that a child is not criminally responsible for their actions.

Police also inappropriately searched Thomas’s property shortly before he was charged, Fleming found.

“There was a deliberate, invasive and totally inappropriate search of [Thomas’s] bedroom without lawful excuse.

Sadly, these parents, without realizing it, basically handed their child over to the government on a silver platter. The Guardian piece concludes:

After Thomas’s parents spoke to Victoria police, Fleming found a decision was made by the force to manage Thomas “therapeutically”.

His parents provided Victoria police access to Thomas, their home, his phone, his mother’s phone, and to personal information about his school and psychologist.

Less than month after Victoria police started working with Thomas, a case manager was told by a psychologist who was working with them that Thomas’s “verbalisations need to be considered within the context of his ASD [autism spectrum disorder] and possible cognitive impairment.

“One of the key diagnostic criteria for ASD is highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus,” the psychologist told the case worker.

“It is suggested that ISIS represents a circumscribed interest: an intense, narrow preoccupying interest that provides intense focus, social identity for him, a topic to be researched … as well as a topic of conversation that brings him attention.”

A police officer who performed a report based on information downloaded from Thomas’s phone found that he appeared fascinated with China and symbols of the Chinese Communist party and that there were no religious images or verses from the Qur’an present.

Victoria police also arranged for an Imam to meet regularly with Thomas to discuss Islam and answer any questions he may have had.

But three months after his parents went to police, the JCTT started an operation targeting Thomas, code-named Bourglinster.

This should never happen in a so-called “free society.” However, these days, Australia is far from “free.” However, we shouldn’t be too quick to pat ourselves on the back either, because we’re not exactly “free” either. Under the Biden regime, the DOJ and FBI have gone rogue, setting their sights on everyday Americans—from concerned parents to Catholics—and treating them as if they’re domestic terrorists.


Indeed, our FBI even went “undercover” within the Catholic Church to target Americans. Let freedom ring, right?

When the US government and those worldwide become too greedy and powerful and remain unchecked, this is what happens. The dynamic flips—instead of the government being accountable to the people, as it should, citizens end up fearing their own government. This unnatural change disrupts the balance of our republic and will lead to the end of any “freedom” we thought we had. To fix the nation and restore order, we must bring these rogue departments to heel.