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In all honesty, Nikki Haley and the term “truth-teller” don’t belong in the same sentence. She’s giving Joe Biden a run for his money in the fibbing department. Her 2024 ‘campaign,’ if you can call it that, has put a big, bright spotlight on her truth-stretching skills. Before bowing out, Ron DeSantis called out Nikki’s fibs for the whole country to see. And let me tell you, it wasn’t a pretty sight.

By now, you’ve probably heard the buzz about Nikki; rumors are swirling about her having two affairs while married (and yeah, she’s the one who made her husband change his name). It kind of fits the pattern, doesn’t it? Nikki’s notorious for flip-flopping on issues so much that she literally debates herself.

We need to work hard to get rid of these flip-flopping RINOs. Power grabbers like Nikki Haley are no strangers to the political game; she’d probably trade her own mother for a few extra votes. She’s the epitome of those 90s sleazeball politicians, oozing more snake oil salesman vibes than genuine public servant energy. Her thing is rubbing elbows with the establishment, pushing for globalism, endless wars, and those dated and failed “compassionate conservative” strategies that got us into this mess in the first place. So, it’s a jaw-dropper when Nikki, who lost to Trump in Iowa and New Hampshire, tries to paint herself as the “outsider” and tags Trump as the establishment guy. It’s laughable. But there she goes, assuring voters she won’t let the “establishment” just hand the crown to Trump. She must think American voters are easy to dupe because she keeps weaving these far-fetched tales shamelessly.

Nikki lost big in New Hampshire, even after cheating by using Dems disguised as “independents” to vote for her. It turns out that a whopping 70 percent of Nikki’s votes came from non-Republicans. However, with two embarrassing losses under her belt, she’s still moving ahead, and you have to ask yourself why. What does Nikki know that we don’t? That’s something Vivek is also wondering.

The Uniparty bigwigs aren’t just going to sit back and let the people’s voices win. They’ll try every trick in the book to push their unpopular, war-happy candidate across the finish line, one way or another. Now’s the time for every true-blue American to stand firm with the frontrunner, President Trump. We need to keep hammering home this no-nonsense message to the GOP elite: We’re not buying what you’re selling with your globalist pick, and we’ll fight tooth and nail, armed with the truth, until your candidate is just a footnote.