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Tucker Carlson is now unchained from the establishment shackles that used to bind him at Fox News and is like a free bird, ready to spread his wings and soar. And when it comes to “liberation,” Tucker has a very clear mission as we approach a big election year in both the United States and Canada. Tucker has his sights set on Canada, and he’s sending a loud-and-clear message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: he’s coming to fight for the freedom of the Canadian people. In an epic voicemail, Tucker made his plans crystal clear. He just hosed Justin.

If this doesn’t ruffle Trudeau’s delicate little feathers, we’re not sure what will.

It’s as if Tucker is playing a devilish game of “cat and mouse” with the effeminate leader next door. He knows that Justin is terrified of the MAGA movement, and he has even blamed Trump supporters for sinking support for Ukraine in his country.

The New York Post:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blamed “MAGA-influenced thinking” on Friday after members of his country’s Conservative Party rejected a new trade deal with war-torn Ukraine.

“The real story is the rise of a right-wing, American MAGA-influenced thinking that has made Canadian Conservatives — who used to be among the strongest defenders of Ukraine, I’ll admit it — turn their backs on something Ukraine needs in its hour of need,” Trudeau said Friday.

The legislation, an update to Canada’s free trade agreement with Ukraine, passed anyway, but was opposed by 109 Conservative MPs earlier this week over claims that it would force Ukraine to impose a carbon tax.

Trudeau, a member of the Liberal Party, denounced the Conservative concerns as “ridiculous.”

“To see the Conservative Party of Canada decide not to support Ukraine with something they need with the absurd excuse that it’s because Ukraine is going to put a price on pollution, is ridiculous,” the prime minister said.

Here’s Justin whining about MAGA:

As Trudeau braces for an upcoming election, his popularity is taking a nosedive. Canadian journalist Dan Knight has compiled a thorough and detailed account of Justin’s failures in Canada. This account provides a bleak snapshot of how poorly he has governed the country and why he’s becoming increasingly paranoid about the influence of MAGA forces on his nation.

Dan Knight:

Well, folks, let’s delve into the laughable spectacle of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal cabinet. It’s almost comedic, isn’t it? Trudeau, trying to rally his team in Montreal, a year out from an election. His popularity is plummeting faster than a lead balloon, and it’s a direct result of his own misguided policies.

Look at the situation in Canada. It’s a fiscal nightmare! Inflationary spending is through the roof, and don’t get me started on carbon taxes. It’s tax after tax, an endless drain on hardworking Canadians. We’re shelling out nearly half our income to taxes, and for what? To struggle with grocery bills and gas prices? While Trudeau and his team live it up in Montreal, average Canadians can’t even think about a vacation. The irony is as thick as the hypocrisy.

And their focus on Donald Trump? It’s beyond hilarious. It’s a desperate attempt to divert attention from their failures. Fear and division, that’s the Liberal playbook. But Canadians aren’t falling for it anymore.

Then, there’s this whole narrative about the Liberals being powerless over inflation. Let’s get real here. The Bank of Canada’s own statements have repeatedly acknowledged the impact of immigration policies on housing and inflation. Increased immigration is affecting supply and demand, and it’s contributing to housing shortages and rising prices. They’ve admitted it, time and again.

Housing Failure

Consider the Bank of Canada’s (BOC) statements. In their April 2023 monetary statement, the BOC naively celebrated strong population growth, crediting it with supporting household spending. They optimistically claimed that increases in population from immigration and temporary residents were sources of both supply and demand. They even went so far as to suggest that this could lead to economic growth without generating additional inflationary pressures. What a fairy tale!

But wait, there’s more. By July 2023, in their Monetary Policy Report, the BOC had to revise their forecast for excess demand upwards. Why? Because they realized that the rebalancing of supply and demand in housing they had been promising for years wasn’t materializing. In fact, it’s been delayed yet again, now expected in early 2024.

Let’s not overlook the skyrocketing house prices. The BOC admits that a lack of supply and a sudden increase in housing resales have pushed house prices higher than anyone expected. This unexpected strength in house prices is set to continue, further inflating the cost of living by the end of 2023. They’ve been mentioning these issues in every statement, yet they seem perpetually surprised by the consequences of their own policies.

Now, let’s connect the dots. Total CPI inflation hit 3.4% by December 2023. Trudeau’s policies are a direct contributor to this mess. His administration’s stance on immigration has added fuel to the fire in the housing market, creating a demand that far outstrips supply, driving up prices and making life increasingly unaffordable for the average Canadian.

Yet, Trudeau and his team have the audacity to pretend as if they have no hand in this disaster. It’s not just wrong; it’s insulting to every Canadian struggling to make ends meet. The reality is that Trudeau’s policies are directly impacting Canadians’ wallets, and his refusal to acknowledge this is a slap in the face to those feeling the pinch the most.

Carbon Tax

Now, let’s turn our attention to another one of Justin Trudeau’s disastrous policies – the carbon tax. Even the Bank of Canada’s governor, Tiff Macklem, couldn’t dodge the glaring truth when he appeared before the House finance committee in October 2023.

Macklem, in a moment of rare candor for a central banker, acknowledged a significant fact: eliminating the carbon tax could lead to a drop in inflation by a substantial 0.6 percentage points. Think about that for a second. The head of Canada’s central bank, effectively admitted that Trudeau’s cherished carbon tax is contributing to inflation.

This revelation is monumental. It directly contradicts the narrative Trudeau and his cronies have been peddling. They’ve been insisting that the carbon tax is an essential tool in the fight against climate change, a noble sacrifice for the greater good. But what Macklem’s statement reveals is that this tax is not just an environmental policy; it’s an economic burden directly contributing to the rising cost of living in Canada.

Now, let’s focus on Canada’s federal environment commissioner, a figure who, frankly, doesn’t command a whole lot of respect in the eyes of anyone paying attention. Their recent audit revealed a startling, yet unsurprising, truth: Canada is woefully short of its emissions targets for 2030. What a shocker! If Justin Trudeau’s grand plan for reducing carbon emissions is to tax Canadians into poverty, then congratulations are in order. Bravo, Trudeau, for a job well done.

But here’s the real kicker, the part that lays bare the devastating impact of Trudeau’s policies. New data shows that food bank visits are surging across Canada. A recent report from Food Banks Canada paints a grim picture: food bank usage in 2023 has reached its highest level since 1989. Think about that for a moment. The highest in over three decades.

In March 2023 alone, there were nearly two million visits to Canadian food banks, a staggering 32 percent increase from the previous year. And in British Columbia? A 20 percent increase from March 2022 and a jaw-dropping 57 percent higher than in March 2019.

So, what does this tell us about Trudeau’s environmental and economic policies? Simply put, they are crushing Canadians under the weight of economic hardship. As the government pats itself on the back for its environmental initiatives, Canadian families are struggling more than ever to put food on the table.

This is the real-world consequence of Trudeau’s carbon tax and other inflationary policies. They’re not just numbers on a page or political talking points; they’re policies that are directly contributing to the hardship faced by countless Canadians. And yet, Trudeau and his government seem oblivious to the suffering their policies are causing.

Read the rest of the epic post here; it’s well worth it.

After reviewing that comprehensive autopsy report on Justin’s failed leadership, it becomes very clear why Tucker’s voicemail will likely rattle the Prime Minister something fierce. Justin is well aware that his globalist agenda is faltering on a worldwide scale, while Trump’s populism continues to gain momentum. With Tucker now fully committed to liberating Canada, Justin’s prospects look very bleak, eh?