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Vivek Ramaswamy is home where he belongs. The America First firebrand wrapped up his campaign after a solid yet last-place showing in Iowa, falling behind Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, both of whom were significantly outpaced by President Trump. As the caucuses concluded and the votes were tallied, Vivek announced he was ending his White House bid and promptly endorsed President Trump.

ABC News:

Ultimately, however, Ramaswamy told ABC News on Monday that the decision to suspend his campaign was made by him and his wife, Apoorva, as he did not deliver the surprise result he expected to.

He spoke to supporters for about five and a half minutes at his caucus party on Monday and threw his backing behind Trump, telling the crowd that he called the former president to congratulate him on his projected win.

There “has to be an ‘America first’ candidate on the White House,” Ramaswamy said.

Vivek Ramaswamy was quick to keep his word. He immediately flew to New Hampshire to join forces with President Trump. There, he campaigned vigorously, urging Haley and DeSantis to step aside and rally behind the one candidate who can win this whole thing.

Vivek’s stance is clear: he sees the need for a leader who can guide both the party and the country towards triumph.

If you’re looking for the old “Bush-era” days, vote for Nikki.

If you want to return to the 2016 glory days, where we put America first, vote for President Trump.

Vivek is staunchly against the left’s “DEI” movement and believes in American exceptionalism and greatness, and that’s what he touted in New Hampshire.

And for the fans of Vivek out there, and we know there are many, President Trump just announced that Vivek would be working closely with the Trump campaign.

Collin Rugg:

BREAKING: Donald Trump says Vivek Ramaswamy will be “working with us” after Vivek gave a fiery speech in New Hampshire.


During his speech, Vivek urged New Hampshire to vote for Trump.

“There is not a better choice left in this race than this man right here. And that is why I am asking you to do the right thing as New Hampshire and to vote for Donald J. Trump as your next president.”

Once the speech was done, Trump thanked Vivek for his endorsement.

“It’s an honor to have his endorsement. He’s gonna be working with us and he’ll be working with us for a long time. Thank you.”

The crowd was definitely thrilled to see Vivek; as a matter of fact, they started chanting “VP” repeatedly.

Trump says he already knows who his VP will be. Could it be Vivek? Time will tell. One thing is for sure, and that is that the need to defeat Woke Bolshevism is greater than any personal, petty, or political grievances.