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Sadly, the era of the showman seems to be fading away, but a few larger-than-life personalities remain who can light up a room and evoke a whirlwind of emotions simply by entering. One of these individuals, of course, is President Trump, a true “showman” who can transform any occasion into a grand event through his sheer presence. However, he’s not alone in this realm; there’s another towering personality who truly knows how to make a lasting impression, and that’s Elon Musk.

At a recent event where Elon unveiled his new Cybertruck, he executed quite the showman move—the type you don’t see too often in today’s bland, beige, and gray world that is dominated by effeminate concerns like avoiding causing offense at all costs and “safety” (song related). This was a multi-layered demonstration of showmanship, and in doing so, he delivered a masterclass in seizing the moment and taught CEOs like Disney’s Bob Iger how it’s done.

Clearly, establishment elites despise Elon Musk for precisely this reason. They relentlessly attack and oppose him because he exudes confidence and possesses a visionary mindset. It’s a conspiracy of midwits against excellence in any shape or form.

Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book about this a while back.