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Do people genuinely believe Biden received 81 million legitimate votes in 2020? It’s astounding to think anyone is that naïve, but it seems some left-wingers, and even a few right-wingers, comfort themselves with this fairytale to sleep at night. Acknowledging the U.S. as a country with unfair elections, akin to a banana republic, is a bitter pill too hard for many to swallow. Yet, if Biden did indeed secure such historic, record-breaking support, why was it never visible? It wasn’t evident in polls, at his events, or during his rare public appearances. This massive wave of support was conspicuously absent, and even now, as he gears up for 2024, that support seems even more elusive. A recent interaction between podcast icon Joe Rogan and action star The Rock perfectly illustrates this. Joe finally got The Rock to concede that, while he knows people who support Trump, he can’t say the same for Biden supporters.


It’s high time someone said it out loud, right? It was definitely an interesting exchange. Here’s how Trending Politics co-founder Collin Rugg described the exchange:

NEW: The Rock backtracks after saying he has friends who support President Joe Biden.

Rock: “I have friends who support Trump. I have friends who support Biden.”

Rogan: “Do you really have friends who support Biden?”

Rock: “No, no, no, no, no… Thank you. That’s a good check because that’s important. This is important context. They support the Democratic Party.”

No one supports Biden… but he got 81,000,000 votes.


This is made more significant by the fact that The Rock is the ultimate nonpartisan celebrity who is very careful to rarely, if ever, take sides on political issues.

We certainly don’t need The Rock to confirm what most of us have known for ages: Biden lacks genuine support; his term has been nothing but a smoke and mirrors clown show. But this “party over country” mindset has become a hallmark of the left. Their focus isn’t on who they support; they’re driven by an irrational and dangerous obsession with standing united against President Trump.