These policies are killing our military. Is it by design?

Epoch Times:

The Pentagon is aware of how progressive policies are contributing to the U.S. Army falling short of its recruiting goals, but those on the inside are prohibiting from publicly acknowledging this, according to a recently retired Army major.

More than a year after replying on behalf of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command to an inquiry from The Epoch Times about the Army’s recruitment struggles, Maj. (ret.) Charles “Chase” Spears, reached out again.

Mr. Spears has since retired wanted to share an unbridled explanation of the the state of recruiting in the Army, which finished 2023 with 55,000 new recruits, which is significantly short of the 65,000 it had aimed for in the fiscal year.

Mr. Spears attributed the declining interest in the U.S. military in part to “concerns over the encroachment of social progressivism in the ranks [and] a lack of confidence in senior leadership.”

“The Department of Defense [DOD] is well aware of that data. Those are the kinds of concerns we were absolutely not allowed under any circumstances to acknowledge,” he said.

He described the recruiting shortfall as “an exceptionally sensitive topic.” As a result, he said, “In the military, when you’re answering questions, you have to answer them according to what we call Public Affairs Guidance (PAG). PAG basically gives you issue-specific information and talking points that are cleared for public engagement.”

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