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Just picture it—if we stopped government funding for colleges, we’d likely see tuition costs nosedive instantly. The next thing you know, young people would no longer be inundated with phony regime propaganda that paints the government as a wish-granting fairy. That’s laughable. In reality, it’s the government that’s burying our youth under decades of debt. Naturally, these naive young dopes don’t grasp reality and keep this harmful and expensive cycle going, totally blind to the government’s obvious scheme.

Peter Schiff, a renowned economist and financial broker, has a clear view of the government’s antics with these outlandish loans—it’s essentially a vote-buying scheme, and it’s working. And who’s footing the bill? You and I, of course…

Popular X account Wall Street Silver posted this powerful 50-second clip:

“Before the government got involved, college was cheap. Government drove up the cost of college by guaranteeing student loans.”

“The minute colleges knew that people could get these loans, they started jacking up tuition so they could benefit from all of this government money.”

“That is how the government got the votes of students. They promised the students something for nothing. Vote for me, I will make it easier for you to get a loan for college.”


As one X user pointed out, when you Google a university, it shows you the cost after aid.


The bottom line is clear: schools and the regime are in cahoots, each scratching the other’s back, and ultimately, it’s we the people who pay the biggest price.