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The left frequently asks the question, “Who’s radicalizing the right?” The irony lies in the fact that the answer is right in front of them: They themselves are pushing the right towards so-called “radicalization” with their Marxism, perversion, grooming, police state, and the dramatic transformation they envision for the United States. Sadly, what was once celebrated as the land of the free now feels, to many, like a place where voices are stifled and histories are rewritten.

Everyday Americans, many of whom were not even “political,” are watching the left’s actions and feeling they have no choice but to stand up and fight for their beliefs. This surge in the right’s passion is a direct response to the tyrannical “new world” vision proposed by the left. Don’t believe us? Consider Elon Musk as an example. Not too long ago, Elon leaned more to the left. However, due to the left’s aggressive stance on gender-related issues involving kids and their move to mute any dissenting voice (including his), Elon’s leanings have noticeably swayed to the right.

But now, it looks like Elon’s popping some additional red pills, thanks to the left’s latest action involving Robert E. Lee, of all people. The Washington Post published a piece discussing how a statue of Robert E. Lee, which had been torn down by the left-wing mob, was secretly melted down in a 2,250-degree furnace.

Goodbye, U.S. history; it was nice knowing you…

Elon’s five-word response to this story—and what the left is doing to erase voices, thoughts, and history—says it all perfectly:

Elon is right, and further to that, if you’re ever curious about how historical narratives shift and change over time, this situation is a prime example. Many don’t realize that the Civil War might have been about slavery, but, like every other war, it was rooted in money; it was essentially a “bankers’ war.” We’ve heard that before, right? Time and again, money and elites are at the very heart of these deadly conflicts. The slavery narrative was emphasized as a way to market the U.S. government as a “moral” beacon of light. Unfortunately, that portrayal is 100 percent false.