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It’s clear that the Republican RINO holdouts have zero interest in listening to their constituents. They’re focused solely on punishing Matt Gaetz and other patriots who voted to oust McCarthy. This has morphed into a personal vendetta, leaving “we the people” to pick up the pieces.

However, not all Republicans are on this shameful path. Matt Gaetz is showing these RINOs what true patriotism actually looks like. He’s telling these treacherous holdouts to take a “pound of his flesh” if that’s their requirement for supporting Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. Matt is even willing to relinquish his position in the Republican Conference to advance what’s best for both the party and the American people.

Clearly, those RINOs would never make such a sacrifice, which is exactly why they need to be shown the door. Every last one of them.

Also, another noteworthy point: as soon as this snake slithers out of the woodwork, it becomes painfully clear that he’s a major player in these holdouts. This is the same man who confidently smiled months ago, predicting that Trump wouldn’t be the 2024 nominee. Now his entire plan is unraveling, and he’s angrier than an old wet hen.

Whoever Paul Ryan is for, we should be against. And in case you need a reminder of the RINOs who we need to send packing if we ever have any hope of winning against the Marxist Democrats, watch this:

Vote them all out.