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The left is having an identity crisis right now. These are the same misguided people who label anyone who disagrees with them a “Nazi,” yet they’re currently aligning themselves with a savage Islamic terror organization that’s killing innocent civilians, including children and the elderly. Regardless of where you stand on the Israel-Palestine conflict, we should all be able to agree that radical Islamic terrorism is unacceptable. The issue Palestine has with Israel primarily involves the governments, who are locked in a land dispute dating back to biblical times. But targeting innocent concertgoers and grandparents while claiming you’re “heroes” or “victims” doesn’t fly in any civilized society. So when Harvard students expressed their staunch support for Hamas, it raised more than a few eyebrows. Supporting the people of Palestine is one thing; endorsing a legitimate Islamic terror group like Hamas, which is comparable to ISIS, is an entirely different and deeply troubling matter.

But the progressive loons at Harvard aren’t bothered one bit; they’re perfectly comfortable with radical young Americans backing Islamic terrorists. According to President Claudia Gay, Harvard is a sanctuary for “free speech.”

It was hard to type that last line without busting out laughing…

Is this woman moonlighting as a stand-up comedian? Because her claims are downright hilarious, especially when you consider that Harvard actually holds the dubious honor of being the “worst” for “free speech” on campus.

See, none of this is about “free speech”; it’s about regime-accepted speech. In progressive wastelands like Harvard, which are similar to Nazi Germany or modern-day North Korea, only “speech” they approve of is allowed. If you dare to say transgenderism is a mental disease or that transitioning children is sexual grooming, you can bet Harvard will shut you down faster than someone smashing a smoke alarm during a burnt-toast fiasco.

Our college campuses aren’t havens for “free speech”; they’re more like Marxist day camps. These progressive institutions shape impressionable young minds into America-hating, terrorist-loving zombies who parrot left-wing propaganda, all while masquerading as champions of “freedom-loving democracy.”