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Fox News is coming apart at the seams. The whole operation is falling apart so fast that it’s tough to keep track of the latest developments. Steve Doocy has developed such a raging case of TDS that he’s basically become the new Chris Wallace. Sean Hannity has taken a dive into the GOP establishment pool, suddenly pushing for career politicians over “outsiders” in Washington. And let’s not forget when Brian Kilmeade had a meltdown and attacked a congressman for praying about his decision to boot McCarthy.

So, what in the world is going on over at Fox News? More than likely, it’s panic. Clearly, the polls showing President Trump soaring have rattled the media, so now they’re tripping over themselves, making one bad turn after another.

RELATED: Sean Hannity has officially lost his mind…

The latest Fox News debacle features Brian Kilmeade once again, but this time he ran into a wall by the name of Donald Trump. Kilmeade tried to goad Trump into criticizing Matt Gaetz’s ousting of Kevin McCarthy; however, the move spectacularly backfired. Trump sidestepped the trap with absolute ease, even going so far as to commend Gaetz for a job well done.

Matt caught wind of this and posted about it on X.

This is awesome.

@kilmeade tried to bait Trump into criticizing my removal of McCarthy. Trump is too smart for that. He knows removing Kevin is widely popular, so he took my side. Just fabulous.

The fact that Kevin McCarthy didn’t immediately turn to President Trump for help when the so-called “coup” first began should have been a red flag for a discerning reporter like Brian Kilmeade. It signals that Trump likely approved of McCarthy’s ouster. Like many of us, Trump initially gave McCarthy a shot, but the contingency plans were in place to remove him should he falter. That’s exactly what happened, and it’s why Trump would have never have stepped in to save him. Brian likely realizes this and is simply trying to stir up trouble and drama for Trump, Gaetz, and MAGA.