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Ron DeSantis had it all, didn’t he? He was one of the most popular U.S. governors and enjoyed the support of President Trump and his base. Ron was gaining national recognition and making a name for himself as a fighter against the divisive and dangerous woke ideology. Everything seemed to be going his way, and then, suddenly, he threw it all away on a crazy idea to run against President Trump, the man leading the most popular political movement of our lifetime.

Many would argue that this was a bonehead move and that anti-Trump forces were influencing Ron, inflating his ego, and convincing him that President Trump’s legal woes would eliminate him from the 2024 race. All he had to do was jump in and play savior when Trump’s 2024 aspirations undoubtedly crumbled under all the criminal indictments. But that’s not how it worked out. You know what they say: “the best-laid plans of mice and men.” Instead of saving the day, DeSantis began sinking like a rock, and the Florida governor quickly went from GOP rockstar to turd in the punchbowl. It was an epic fall from grace that will likely go down in the political history books as a cautionary tale of what not to do.

So, who were these individuals whispering in Ron’s ear? It’s not difficult to suss out the culprits. It all unfolded right before our eyes—a parade of establishment rejects sent red flags and alarm bells throughout the MAGA movement at lightning speed.

Paul Ryan kicked things off. He threw his support behind DeSantis early on.

And soon, the “please clap” low-energy loser Jeb Bush hopped on the DeSantis train.

The Hill:

Former GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush in a recent interview threw his support behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), arguing it’s time for “a generational change in our politics.”

“I think it is,” Bush, a former Florida governor himself, told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade in a Fox Nation special called “Who is Ron DeSantis?” when asked if it was the right opportunity for DeSantis to run for higher office.

“He’s been a really effective governor. He’s young. I think we’re on the verge of a generational change in our politics. Kind of hope so. I think it’s time for a more forward-leaning, future-oriented conversation, our politics, as well,” Bush said during the special. The comments aired last Wednesday but resurfaced online Monday.

And it only got worse from there: Infamous NeverTrump donors were also connected to Ron DeSantis, including globalists like Paul Singer and Ken Griffin, as well as a significant amount of Bush money.

DeSantis has also been linked to establishment flunky Karl Rove, the globalist Koch brothers, and megadonor Robert Mercer.

Tampa Bay.com:

A super PAC supporting Republican Ron DeSantis for the U.S. Senate is stockpiling cash — and much of it is coming from the major donors to national conservative groups.

Of the $1.2 million raised by Fighting for Florida Fund since last August, more than $1 million has come from just three donors:

* $350,000 from John Childs, chairman of private equity firm J.W. Childs Associates.

* $200,000 from Robert Mercer, a financial consultant.

* $500,000 from Spring Bay Capital, a private equity and venture capital firm in Ponte Vedra Beach, DeSantis’ hometown.

Childs is a prolific donor to major conservative super PACs. Since 2010, he has given more than $8 million to groups like Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, Koch brothers-backed Freedom Partners Action Fund and Club for Growth, a conservative group that has endorsed DeSantis.

Clearly, the political establishment elites once again underestimated their unpopularity with the MAGA base and believed that their support for DeSantis would ignite a unified uprising that would squash MAGA as Trump was carted off to prison.

They couldn’t have been more wrong.

Suddenly, MAGA became fixated on DeSantis’ connection to the very people they fought to defeat. As more and more people looked deeper into Ron’s record, questionable issues arose. While DeSantis was in Congress, he was not exactly a house on fire. He was the lead sponsor of 52 pieces of legislation in Congress. Only a handful of his bills made it through the House, and none of the bills became law. In addition, Ron also voted for Obama’s TPP. He also went on the record about “confronting” Putin and valiantly advocated support for Ukraine, which raised questions about his “war stance” and him possibly being a neocon. Soon, Trump supporters were doing a lot of digging into the Florida governor’s past and discovering many ties to the Bush family and Paul Ryan, whom DeSantis once called his “hero,” along with Bush Sr.

Robert Barnes:

The #DeSantis Bush ties go way back. DeSantis called Poppy Bush his “hero.” DeSantis joined the Bush family fraternity at Yale. DeSantis first gig was for the W. admin at Guantanamo then Fallujah. John Bolton boosted DeSantis early career. Jeb is a close ally and Jeb allies staff key roles for DeSantis. This really isn’t news if you actually followed DeSantis career.

DeSantis began the GOP primary with a clear agenda, focusing on COVID as his central theme. He aimed to portray himself as a renegade who defied the system and Dr. Fauci. However, the reality unfolded quite differently. While it’s true that DeSantis eventually adjusted his approach, he did so at a notably slower pace compared to other GOP governors, such as South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, who truly bucked the system when everyone else was going with the flow.

DeSantis, who had never faced a national stage test, found himself in unfamiliar territory, and it was evident. He came across as socially awkward and downright weird.

DeSantis appeared to struggle with relatability and often came across as overly rehearsed and insincere.

His nervous and over-the-top laughter rivaled Kamala’s, resulting in a barrage of damning memes that haunted the Florida governor and portrayed him as an eccentric weirdo.

The real challenge for Ron, however, was Trump. It became evident that Trump’s legal troubles were actually bolstering his support, leaving DeSantis with little chance, even without his ties to the GOP establishment and NeverTrump. Critics might argue that focusing on DeSantis’ poorly run campaign overlooks a crucial point: there was never a substantial voter base he could have won over. Some contend that if Donald Trump were not in the picture, a DeSantis coronation might have succeeded, with Fox News, right-wing media, and many influencers rallying behind him despite his lack of charisma. They say DeSantis could have prevailed in debates without being particularly likable.

However, for this argument to hold, Ron’s establishment ties would have to be nonexistent, as Trump’s base would have been inclined to write in Trump’s name rather than vote for someone endorsed by figures like Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Karl Rove. In a scenario where Donald Trump existed but did not run for president in 2024, DeSantis would still have faced challenges due to his status as a GOP establishment figure limiting his potential. He would always have struggled to portray himself as a maverick before NeverTrump donors reined him in, and this would have likely created a significant trust issue with MAGA voters.

Another major contributing factor is Ron’s lack of charisma, a crucial element on the national stage. DeSantis benefited from being under the Trump umbrella for many years, and when he ventured out from under it, he stumbled. This pattern would’ve likely repeated itself unless Trump were literally holding his hand and guiding him every step of the way. In terms of his style and performance, DeSantis could be considered one of the least compelling political candidates in recent memory. Ron’s campaign was doomed before it ever got started for a number of reasons, but the bottom line is that we don’t live in a world without Trump, and like it or not, as long as he’s still going, nobody else stands a chance.