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Many of us remember the Charlottesville events, mainly because it’s the lie that keeps on giving. The left love to spread disinformation about what happened that day, and claim that President Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people. That never happened, but of course, that won’t stop Joe Biden from claiming it’s real at least once a month. As a matter of fact, his entire 2020 basement campaign centered around that lie, and he’s using it again in 2024, and our useless state-run propaganda media won’t call him out on it. But was that the only lie that unfolded in Charlottesville? Perhaps not.

There appear to be a lot of questions swirling around the case of an autistic man by the name of James Fields, who was arrested for murder after he plowed his car into a crowd of violent, left-wing Antifa radicals. It all began on the night of August 11, 2017, when a right-wing extremist group gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia. They marched with tiki torches and chanted, “You will not replace us.” The following day, they protested near the Downtown Mall against the city council’s push to remove Confederate monuments. Even though the group obtained the necessary permits, they still encountered violent Antifa counter-protesters, some of whom were armed with makeshift weapons.

One left-wing activist named Dwayne Dixon carried a gun, using it to “patrol” the area and intimidate anybody who disagreed with him. In a tragic turn of events, a 20-year-old autistic Ohio man named James Alex Fields Jr. was encircled by violent Antifa protesters. In response, James drove his car into the crowd, causing the death of Antifa member Heather Heyer and injuries to several others. Many supporters of Mr. Fields contend that his car was being struck with weapons, and due to Mr. Dixon’s brandishing his weapon, Mr. Fields believed he was under fire. In addition, there has been online speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding Ms. Heyer’s cause of death, with some suggesting that her obesity may have played a role. It’s possible she suffered a heart attack instead of getting directly struck by the car and then suffering from cardiac arrest. Nevertheless, Mr. Fields was convicted of murder by a jury and is now sentenced to spend the remainder of his life in prison.

Antifa member Heather Heyer

This is the photo that the media consistently ran of Ms. Heyer:

As you can see, it doesn’t even look like the same person.

Now, thanks to a new book and a Freedom of Information request, we’re discovering that the groups Mr. Fields was associated with were actually infiltrated by the FBI. Considering what we’ve come to understand about the FBI’s strategies, such as those seen in January 6th and the Whitmer Kidnapping case, there’s speculation about whether this vulnerable autistic young man was possibly manipulated by the FBI, leading to the total destruction of his life and media headlines that “fit” their narrative.

In this era of widespread distrust of the FBI by a majority of Americans, it’s a fair question that deserves to be explored.

Headline USA:

Last week, Headline USA revealed that a longtime FBI informant co-founded one of America’s oldest and largest neo-Nazi groups, the National Socialist Movement, which participated and committed violence in the 2017 Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally.

With only a little over 20 NSM members at Charlottesville, the group’s involvement could, at first blush, be viewed as relatively minor—if viewed in isolation.

But that’s far from the whole story.

Court records further show that the NSM was part of a larger neo-Nazi coalition called the Nationalist Front, an alliance comprising a number of other groups at Charlottesville that were allegedly infiltrated by the FBI, including the Confederate Hammerskins and the League of the South.

Moreover, a fourth member of the FBI-linked Nationalist Front, the now-defunct Vanguard America, was seen marching with James Fields—the man who murdered counterprotester Heather Heyer with his car.

Vanguard America has since mutated into yet another group widely believed to be infiltrated by the FBI: the Patriot Front.

This is Patriot Front, a group that many believe is crawling with feds.


The Headline USA piece goes on:

The accusations about the League of the South and the Confederate Hammerskins come from former NSM member and convicted felon Bill White. As Headline USA reported last week, the prison inmate’s accusations are newsworthy because he’s provided FBI memos and affidavits to support at least some of his claims, and because the U.S. government has retaliated against him for his disclosures.

In a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in 2017, White cited the book Undercover Nazi, written by former FBI informant David Gletty, to support his allegations that the League of the South and Confederate Hammerskins were infiltrated by the FBI.

“I know from Gletty’s book that the FBI used the NSM to infiltrate a group of Confederate Hammerskins in Florida,” said White, whose FOIA lawsuit was ultimately unsuccessful for procedural reasons.

White further noted that Gletty was “tasked to infiltrate” the League of the South, according to Undercover Nazi.

There’s no doubt that the Patriot Front has been infiltrated by the feds. One former member admitted that he worked with the FBI and passed along information. Headline USA continues:

As Headline USA reported, one of its former members admitted to being an FBI informant in court documents earlier this month. That admission followed the Patriot Front’s disclosure earlier this year that it had been infiltrated by a leftist.

Additionally, undercover FBI-JTTF agents have been spotted at Patriot Front rallies, and records show that the group was monitored—and therefore likely infiltrated—for more than a year before dozens of its members were arrested for allegedly plotting to riot in Idaho.

Patriot Front members and groups in the now-defunct Nationalist Front have all denied working with law enforcement. The Confederate Hammerskins could not be reached for comment, while the League of the South did not respond to email questions.

Vanguard has also reportedly denied that Fields was a member.

It’s not a stretch to wonder if that young, vulnerable, autistic kid could have been groomed by FBI informants or undercover agents online and led down a very dangerous path, into areas he was not able to mentally cope with or properly handle. We saw this very thing happen with the Whitmer Kidnapping fiasco, where there were more feds and informants than actual legit suspects, and many of the men involved had mental issues.

We encourage you to read the entire piece at Headline USA. It’s very in-depth and informative. You can find it by clicking here.