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As you’re probably aware, there was yet another unremarkable GOP debate featuring a stage full of elite politicians with zero chance of winning acting as if they were genuine contenders. The problem for these pretenders isn’t just that the debates are a ratings flop, but they’re actually damaging their reputations. The more the American people hear from these wannabes, the less they seem to like them.

Will these candidates finally pull the plug on future debates? They might, especially if they take a look at these eye-opening numbers. The new data confirms just how detrimental these debates are to these so-called “challengers.” In truth, this primary was over before it began. The media is keeping up the charade of a so-called competitive race simply to drive ratings and clicks, all while buying time for the establishment to concoct yet another strategy to “destroy” President Trump.

Here’s the latest post-debate data:

Morning Consult:

Nobody besides Trump scores above 12 percent in either of these polls, and only DeSantis actually reaches double digits–barely.

The good news just keeps rolling in for Trump. The legitimately-elected former president has secured an astonishing 58 percent in the Georgia GOP primary, a state where critics and media figures predicted his demise due to his attacks on RINO Governor Brian Kemp. Clearly, they were mistaken yet again.

Clearly, the GOP base has made its choice: they want President Trump to reclaim the second term he was cheated out of in 2020. The debates aren’t shifting the landscape in favor of his “challengers,” so what’s their rationale for staying in the race? At this point, these long-shot candidates are siphoning off funds and resources that Trump could be using for the general election. One has to wonder, is undermining Trump this way also part of their strategy?