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If you actually listen to Biden’s administration, you’d think he was the most beloved s0-called “president” in US history, presiding over a booming economy and delighted citizens. But let’s get real, shall we? It’s all propaganda and disinformation. The truth is, Joe Biden isn’t well-liked, and Americans are fed up  with his cruddy economy – even the people who voted for him are over it. As a matter of fact, Biden is creating “historic” pessimism and depression.

NBC News:

The 71% of Americans in our latest NBC News poll saying the country is headed in the wrong direction is the eighth time in the last nine NBC News surveys dating back to Oct. 2021 when the wrong track has been above 70%.

And the one exception was in Sept. 2022, when it was 68%.

We have never before seen this level of sustained pessimism in the 30-year-plus history of the poll.

Nonetheless, that doesn’t stop Biden and his cronies from blatantly lying to the American public, treating them as if they’re stupid, by insisting that the country is thriving. The good news is that their gaslighting isn’t working.

Five Thirty Eight:

Americans have been displeased with President Biden’s handling of the economy since he moved into the job. An Associated Press/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll from June found that just 34 percent approved his handling of the economy, barely up from 33 percent from the same pollster in May. A Gallup survey from April found that 64 percent of Americans had little or almost no confidence in Biden on economic issues.

The gaslighting tactics are in full force, reminding us of a 1990s style of politicking—way before social media blew up and allowed for real-time communication and critique. “While deceiving the American public may have been simpler in the past, those tactics just don’t cut it in 2023. Unfortunately, it seems no one has clued in Karine Jean-Pierre because she’s a non-stop gaslighting machine, especially when it comes to Joe’s horrible economy.

If you’re looking for tangible evidence that Biden’s economy is faltering, just take a look at the soaring inflation. With wages remaining stagnant, Americans are really feeling the financial squeeze. One TikTok influencer took it upon herself to compare grocery receipts over a three-year period, offering irrefutable proof of just how dismal Joe Biden’s economy really is.

These numbers are staggering and are actually worse than many of us realized. Imagine being aware of this and still deliberately misleading the American public, just to save face and cling to power. If Biden is willing to lie about something this significant, what else would he lie about? Quite a lot, most likely, given his apparent tendency for pathological lying. But this goes beyond a few white lies; it’s a blatant display of disrespect and disregard for America’s working class. Biden and his team should be ashamed for treating the American people this way. Contrary to what the elites may think, we’re not idiots. It’s high time we flex our collective muscle and take back the reins of power.