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It appears that whenever the pressure heats up for the Biden Boys, one of two things occurs: Either Trump faces new sham indictments, or the “alien” narrative resurfaces. With the grand jury well running dry for indicting Trump, the alien topic is making a return, and this time, it’s even more extravagant, featuring a 1000-year-old creature reminiscent of ET.

The purported “genuine” alien body is originating from Mexico, and it’s as bizarre and goofy-looking as one would expect.

Kanekoa the Great:

BREAKING: Alleged mummified alien corpses displayed at Mexico’s Congress today, suspected to be 1,000 years old.

UFO enthusiasts celebrated a remarkable event today in Mexico City’s Congress, led by journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan. This official gathering unveiled two alleged “non-human” corpses.

These diminutive mummified remains, retrieved from Cusco, Peru, are believed to be a thousand years old and were showcased in windowed boxes. Scientists collaborated on this event, and Maussan, speaking under oath, presented his findings to Mexican government members and US officials.

He emphasized that the non-human specimens had recently undergone examination at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), yielding DNA evidence through radiocarbon dating.

Maussan says, “These specimens are not part of our terrestrial evolution. These aren’t beings that were found after a UFO wreckage. They were found in diatom algae mines and were later fossilized.”

Do you believe it’s an elaborate hoax or actual mummified aliens?

Not a lot of people are buying this story, which broke just one day after it was announced that Biden will likely be impeached. Here’s what some online are saying:

“United States: “We allegedly recovered non-human biologics.” Mexico: “Watch us unbox two mummified aliens.”

“This is crazy. For 60, 70 years, the governments have been saying UFO are not real. Now, all of a sudden, we are supposed to believe that UFO’s are real. Something fishy going on. Not, buy all this, Bologna.”

“So beings capable of intergalactic travel across galaxies at the speed of light look like vegan ET meets Baby Yoda. Got it.”

“Why do ppl think Aliens would be built like Humans with similar eyes, face rather than totally different without any chest, torso etc”

Those are just mummified mexican construction workers.”

“Oh good. At least they are small. Giant aliens would be a problem.”

Revolver has covered this same old song and dance before, nothing that the “CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake “UFO stories” when they want to distract the public.”


It turns out that the CIA likes to use “UFOs” to distract the public. According to Darren’s tweet, the CIA used this very tactic in Guatemala, of all places.

Here’s a closeup of the document Darren shared. Notice the word “fabricate” highlighted in yellow.


In truth, the CIA likes to use UFOs as a “cover” for various activities. Back in 1997, they admitted to lying to the American people about UFOs during the Cold War .”

The New York Times:

In the darkest days of the cold war, the military lied to the American public about the true nature of many unidentified flying objects in an effort to hide its growing fleets of spy planes, a Central Intelligence Agency study says.

The deceptions were made in the 1950’s and 1960’s amid a wave of U.F.O. sightings that alarmed the public and parts of official Washington.

The C.I.A. study says the Air Force knew that most reports by citizens and aviation experts were based on fleeting glimpses of U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, which fly extremely high.

Those planes were developed in the 1950’s and 60’s to photograph enemy targets. From secret bases, mainly in California and Nevada, the aircraft repeatedly flew across the country and eventually overseas to bases in countries that included Britain, West Germany and Taiwan.

The CIA really went all out to keep this cold war/UFO lie going. The NYT piece continues:

While commercial airliners int he 1950’s flew at altitudes of up to 30,000 feet, the U-2 soared to more than 60,000 feet and the SR-71 to more than 80,000 feet, or 15 miles, nearly the edge of space.

The planes carried powerful cameras to spy on foreign military installations and sensitive electronic gear to capture radio and radar transmissions. The spy craft were developed by the intelligence agency and often flown by the Air Force.

Rather than acknowledgeing the existence of the top-secret flights or saying nothing about them publicly, the Air Force decided to put out false cover stories, the C.I.A. study says. For instance, unusual observations that were actually spy flights were attributed to atmospheric phenomena like ice crystals and temperature inversions.

”Over half of all U.F.O. reports from the late 1950’s through the 1960’s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights” over the United States, the C.I.A. study says. ”This led the Air Force to make misleading and deceptive statements to the public in order to allay public fears and to protect an extraordinarily sensitive national security project.”

The study, ”C.I.A.’s Role in the Study of U.F.O.’s. 1947-90,” was written by Gerald K. Haines and appears in Studies of Intelligence, a secret Central Intelligence Agency journal. Five years ago, the agency began releasing unclassified versions of the journal yearly.

The current state of affairs in the U.S. and across the world is truly laughable. There’s a deep sense of distrust with government leaders, which causes many to skeptically dismiss pretty much anything they say. In many ways, life on Earth, particularly in the U.S., is beginning to resemble a real-life episode of South Park.
