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As Democrats attempt to “save democracy” by arresting President Trump and detaining his supporters like North Korea-style political prisoners, it’s hard not to recall a not-so-distant past when the state-run media was in an uproar over President Trump’s appointment of Bill Barr as Attorney General.

Looking back now at what we’ve come to understand about Bill Barr, it’s almost laughable to imagine him sticking his neck out for Trump or the nation. Yet, back then, the propaganda media was in a tizzy, worried that Trump would manipulate the Department of Justice to target his adversaries. Remember that? Night after night on TV with the same breathless coverage — they just kept playing the fear card over and over, suggesting that Trump would force Barr to go after his political opponents and dismantle our precious “democracy,” transforming the U.S. into a banana republic.

That’s the shtick they kept hammering home, time and time again. But truth be told, it didn’t pan out that way, did it? At least not back then. Fast forward to today and here we are: those very same Dems are now throwing their support behind Merrick Garland, giving him a round of applause for the way he and the Biden administration are nabbing their political adversaries. And, no surprises here, they’re spinning it as a move in defense of — you guessed it — democracy.

Here’s one of the best “supercuts” you’ll ever see of Dems calling out Trump for what Joe Biden is actually doing.

You know, one lesson that’s pretty clear by now is how straightforward it is to foresee what’s on the horizon if you just keep an eye on the false accusations Dems are throwing at Trump. It’s a sure bet that in about a year, they’ll be turning the tables and pulling the same moves on us. If we start paying closer attention, it might save us a lot of time and hassle down the road, eh?