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All eyes are on the famous Iowa State Fair, where GOP presidential hopefuls are gathering to try to drum up excitement for the first-in-the-nation caucus. However, as the candidates quickly discovered, they were merely ancillary characters in what became known as the “Trump Show.”

DeSantis found that out the awkward way when he attempted to make his way through a crowd that was chanting “We want Trump,” and “We love Trump.”

DeSantis also got interrupted when Trump’s plane, “Trump Force One,” did a fly by right in the midst of Ron’s moment. Ron appeared to lose the crowds attention, as they turned their backs on him to watch Trump’s plane fly around.

After his speech, DeSantis was out mingling with the crowd when a fan called out, accidentally referring to him as “Rick,” instead of “Ron.”

DeSantis has been making his way around Iowa speaking to voters in the hopes of raising his profile and his poll numbers.

Back at the fair, Trump landed with a MAGA hat in his hand.

When Trump arrived on scene, you could feel the excitement in the air.

Everyone’s just trying to catch of glimpse of 45!

The crowd chanted “Four More Years.”

There’s no doubt that Iowa is ‘Trump country.”

Matt Gaetz was also there, manning the grill in his MAGA hat.

Speaking of grilling, Trump was handing out pork chops to lucky folks.

Trump’s speaking event drew so many people, that it actually looked more like a Trump rally, complete with overflow.

The crowds were huge.

Vivek also drew a large crowd. A new poll shows that he’s overtaken DeSantis and is now in second place.

Vivek was even “rapping” Eminem songs.

President Trump’s speech was short – only 18 minutes – but very powerful.

Clearly, this was an outstanding day for President Trump, and Vivek performed very well too. We’ll have to wait and see how the rest of the field fared, as they seemed to get somewhat lost in the shuffle.