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Bring back our Karens? One commentator named SOLONA’s provocative take on going to the theaters to view Barbie is really worth a read:

Small signs of decay. Over the weekend, I joined the rest of our great nation as Barbie, the blond bombshell / newly-minted justice icon, made her first billion dollars. It was a spectacular success emblematic of many notable trends, including but not limited to our return to the movies, the ascendance of Millennial Feminism, and a healthy celebration of excessive, maximalist materialism. The fascist rise of Marie Kondo has finally, and decisively, been put down, and I’m happy for my capitalist girlies. But while I sat there in the theater, awash in the aspirational glamor of Patriarchy Ken’s groundbreaking sense of style, I was unfortunately made to contemplate ‘society,’ as I found myself abruptly interrupted by the loud roar of a man up front, sound asleep, snoring. His friend tried once, weakly, to wake him, but failed, and that was that. A deafening, intermittent drunk dad grumble followed through the duration of the film’s third act, and our theater simply, as a group, accepted the disturbance. It was yet another small sign of decay.

Growing up, I spent a lot of time at the movies, and it turns out people do a lot of annoying shit in theaters. This has been the case for as long as I can remember, and has likely persisted through time. But it never felt like this. For a moment, I wondered what was different… and then it hit me. Years ago, Karen, our nation’s most hated archetype of feminine justice, would have walked over and set a man straight. But in 2023, she remains very much banished from the premises, and in her absence we are left to the whole pandora’s box of anti-social fuckery she thanklessly policed for decades.

Friends, we need to bring back Karen.


Karen is more than a strong woman. Karen embodies our enforcement of social norms, regardless of how often or not she misses her mark, and our recent taboo against such policing seems to denote a more troubling problem than my noisy theater; it is increasingly not possible to identify common norms among our neighbors, as we have more or less forgotten who our neighbors actually are — in many cases literally.

Read the entire lengthy and worthwhile Twitter essay here…

Should we bring back Karen? Post your thoughts below.