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Former VP Mike Pence has made a lot of mistakes since that fateful day on January 6th when he turned his back on the American people and certified an election that many believed was wrought with fraud. It’s been all downhill since then. Who can forget when Tucker Carlson exposed Mike Pence for all the world to see?

Pence is  so wildly unpopular among the base, which largely comprises Trump supporters, that One might wonder why he’s running for the White House at this stage. After his tweets yesterday talking about the  third sham indictment against President Trump, it seems clear that Pence isn’t vying for the White House, but rather a position at CNN. He ripped off his  “good Christian man” mask and revealed himself as a heartless and conniving backstabber. Not only did he align with the regime’s plot to imprison Trump for life, but he also absurdly accused President Trump of putting himself above the Constitution.

Here’s what Mike Pence said in his posts:

Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States.

I will have more to say about the government’s case after reviewing the indictment. The former president is entitled to the presumption of innocence but with this indictment, his candidacy means more talk about January 6th and more distractions.

As Americans, his candidacy means less attention paid to Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies afflicting millions across the United States and to the pattern of corruption with Hunter.

Our country is more important than one man. Our constitution is more important than any one man’s career. On January 6th, Former President Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will.

As your president, I will not yield an inch in defending America, our people, or our values, and I promise you: I will do so in a way consistent with my oath to the Constitution and the character and decency of the American people. We will restore a threshold of integrity and civility in public life so we can bring real solutions to the challenges plaguing our nation.

Needless to say, Pence faced a relentless onslaught from conservatives online, with the heat fiery of a thousand suns. Here’s what some folks had to say:

“You are one of history’s greatest cowards. Shame on you. Judas.”

“You will NEVER be president”

“He will never have our respect. He is a coward and a traitor.”
“What a Benedict Arnold you are. YOU WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. You may as well change your party affiliation to Democrat, cause your career politician days are over.”

“So glad Tucker Carlson ended your career.”

“It’s pathetic Pence is fake running for president at this point to hurt Trump and shill his book. “

There’s no doubt that Pence’s political career is over. He will go the way of infamous and irrelevant traitors like Paul Ryan and Bill Barr. Good riddance.