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Mike Benz, the executive director at the Foundation for Freedom Online has just come up with a brilliant plan to end the left’s tyrannical censorship, and he served it up to the GOP on a silver platter. Mike says the GOP could score easy wins and end the left’s push to censor dissident voices by simply zeroing out two specific programs with a couple of easy-peasy budget “riders.”

Some would argue that there’s no way a bill like that would ever pass through the Senate or be signed by Joe Biden, and they’d be right. However, Mike says that’s the beauty of using a “rider” in the budget — it wouldn’t need a separate bill to pass. Mike says there will be a budget passed no matter what, all the GOP has to do is zero out those two programs. Of course, this would require the Republicans to unite and hold the line; something that nobody sees happening with all the RINOs. Even without the RINOs, would the GOP actually heed Mike’s advice and put an end to this Marxist censorship plot? Don’t hold your breath. It seems the right-wing often prefers the role of weak and feckless losers. They are perfectly okay being the “loyal opposition” party, raising funds off their laundry-list of failures.