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Las Vegas, the glitzy, glamorous 24/7 city just showed off its brand new toy — the MSG Sphere. This jaw-dropping arena, with a hefty $2.3 billion price tag, was just lit up for the very first time on Wednesday night. The MSG Sphere is massive, clocking in at almost 600,000 square feet. But it’s pride and joy is the one-of-a-kind LED screen that’s fully programmable and sets a world record for resolution. But, in this case, it’s not just about the visuals effects. The Sphere also packs the latest and greatest in concert audio tech, plus some cool touches like wind and scent effects to really ramp up the experience. You know what they say in Vegas, go big or go home, and this is definitely BIG.

It opens in September, but Vegas residents got a preview for July 4th.

Check out that crazy eyeball…

And it can even look like an alien invasion. Much prettier than the one at the southern border, that’s for sure.

NASA has a moon they can land on.

Here it looks like a circular lava lamp. Groovy.

Well, Vegas, you’ve done it again…

We just wonder how long it’ll take AOC and Greta to start crying that the Sphere is destroying the planet? 3…2…1…