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The Biden admin is really pulling out all the ridiculous stops to make it seem as if their unjust, immoral, and communist attack on President Trump isn’t “political,” despite the fact that the unpopular incumbent is trying to imprison his much more popular rival by throwing him in prison for the rest of his life. North Korea is in awe of this bold move.

Furthermore, the latest poll by Harvard Harris reinforces just how unpopular Biden truly is. Once again, Trump emerges as the frontrunner for the 2024 elections in a mainstream media poll, leading the pack by a significant margin.

So, of course, they have to pretend that they’re “forced” to do this out of tremendous conviction for the “rule of law,” and are treating President Trump with the utmost respect and kindness, while they try to make sure he dies in prison.

New York Times:

Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing the prosecution for the department, opted not to request conditions routinely imposed on other defendants seeking to be released from custody, like cash bail, limits on domestic travel or turning in his passport.

But Judge Goodman, tasked with hashing out a bond agreement during a one-day cameo appearance on the case, was not entirely on board. He suggested that Mr. Trump be compelled to “avoid all contact with co-defendants, victims and witnesses except through counsel.” Mr. Smith’s deputy, David Harbach, joined Mr. Trump’s lawyers in opposing that idea — but the judge imposed a version of it anyway.

Jack Smith thinks the American people are stupid enough to believe that he’s jumping through hoops to be “fair” and treating President Trump with “kid gloves.” Let us remind you that these are the same ghouls who pawed through Melania’s underwear drawer during that unconstitutional FBI raid.

It also provided telling insights into the fist-inside-a-kid-glove approach that Mr. Smith and his team employed: an aggressive fast-track approach to prosecution coupled with a conspicuously respectful posture toward the defendant.

Mr. Smith’s decision not to demand any conditions at the arraignment, people familiar with the situation said, reflected a belief that prosecutors should avoid impairing Mr. Trump’s ability to campaign. He is also seeking to dodge potentially distracting elements to a case focused on concrete evidence about the former president’s handling of classified documents and efforts to obstruct government efforts to reclaim them.

His approach also seems to be a nod to the political sensitivities created by years of Republican protests — and misinformation — about prior investigations into Mr. Trump by the Justice Department and the F.B.I.

“The prosecution of a former president and the current political rival of President Biden is obviously hugely politically fraught and comes against the background of prior Justice Department actions against Trump marked by error and excess,” said Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law professor and former assistant attorney general.

This is probably a good time to remind you that Jack Smith is a partisan hack who routinely tries to use his power to take down Republicans. However, he’s quite terrible at his job, and holds the rather dubious honor of being one of the very few American lawyers to have his conviction overturned by a UNANIMOUS Supreme Court decision.

As it stands now, the New York Times wants you to believe that Jack Smith’s main concern as he attempts to lock President Trump up for something that practically every U.S. president has done is that Trump will be mean to him.

“Trump and his allies will do everything they can to demonize the prosecution as unfair,” he added. “It makes perfect sense that Smith, who has the law clearly on his side, would do everything he can to avoid raising the temperature on the matter further.”

There are other indications that Mr. Smith, who sat a few feet behind Mr. Harbach in the courtroom on Tuesday, intently following the back-and-forth with the judge, seems intent on avoiding unnecessary confrontation.

Oh, how “unfair” it is for Trump to defend himself against yet another weaponized, politicized hit job, aimed at destroying his life, his family, and his empire. Can you believe the nerve of Trump to turn this into an attack on poor Jack, who’s just trying to do his job, right? Oh, give us a break.