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Joe Rogan recently spilled the beans that he has come all the way around on voting for Trump and will gladly pull the lever for the 45th president rather than vote for President Biden.

Daily Mail:

‘Bleeding heart liberal’ Joe Rogan is so turned off by President Biden’s performance that he says he would rather vote for Trump in 2024.

Speaking on his podcast, Rogan said Biden is ‘mentally gone’ and that Americans now have to rely on his ‘sideshow of diversity’ administration to make the decisions.

He used the example of Sam Brinton – the non-binary, luggage-stealing energy department official – as an example.

‘I would vote for Trump before I’d vote for Biden. Just cause I think with Biden, like he’s gone!

The video clip of Joe Rogan saying he will vote for Trump over Biden was actually released back in March, but it flew under the radar for many people. So, we decided to share it again for those who missed it or simply want to rewatch it. Despite not being a Trump supporter, Rogan presents some really insightful political and common-sense arguments that are definitely worth watching again.

Recent polls consistently show that a majority of Americans are really concerned about Joe Biden’s competence. Throughout his “presidency,” there have been recurring questions regarding his mental well-being. And you can see why – just the other day, Biden went flailing off-script and announced the construction of an 8,000-mile train extending across the Indian Ocean.

What on earth is this guy even talking about? And the media didn’t bother to call him out on it, either. Of course not…


Most Americans see Biden as a confused old man wandering aimlessly around a nursing home. Despite this, our propaganda media and politicians in Washington (on both sides of the aisle) often portray Joe as this entirely composed, amazing leader. All while we the people watch this man stammering, stumbling, and looking totally lost nearly every single day.

The Daily Mail piece continues:

‘Like, you know, he’s gone. You’re gonna be relying on his cabinet. And I knew his cabinet would be this f*****g sideshow of diversity — which is exactly what it is.

‘That one person who stole all the women’s clothes. That Sam Brinton. That’s a diversity hire.

‘Look at this, a man who dresses like a woman, but has a beard and wears lipstick, you look and say “this is perfect for us.

‘I don’t give a f*** what this guy’s good at or bad at, I don’t give a f*** what their credentials are, this makes us look like we’re inclusive.

‘This makes us look like we’re on the right side.”

‘You can’t have those kind of people running a Ben & Jerry’s. You certainly can’t have those kind of people running the most powerful government the world has ever known. It’s nonsense,’ Rogan fumed.

Russell Brand made a stellar point in his response to Rogan’s rant:

British comedian Russell Brand, who was his guest, added: ‘I feel sometimes that Joe Biden is the perfect president for the time.

‘Cause he’s like the perfect metaphor of what it is. This system is over.

‘And for all of the talk of diversity, what have you got? You’ve got a career politician, white male that’s falling apart before your very eyes.

‘It’s telling you that it’s bulls**t.’

Brand added that Democrats have managed to ‘make ordinary Americans hate each other.’

‘You can’t criminalize half of a country and say that they’re far right fascists anymore than you can say that in my view, extreme leftists, ‘ he said.

This was a big move by Rogan. He recently referred to himself as a “bleeding heart liberal” and made it clear that he would never vote for the Republicans. However, as we all know, times change and so do politics.

Joe Rogan is basically saying to his listeners, “Hey, it’s cool. You’re totally allowed to vote for Trump. I give you permission.” Like it or not, this matters to quite a few voters sitting in the muddled middle.