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The regime recently played their cards, displaying their extreme fear of President Trump’s social and political influence by arresting him and threatening him with a life sentence. It’s evident that this was a move they didn’t want to make. They were probably banking on the fact that DeSantis would have a significant lead in the polls by now, with Trump being a forgotten figure. However, much to their dismay, that didn’t happen. President Trump’s popularity has only surged, forcing the regime to resort to this unprecedented and unholy action. The FBI and DOJ are now twisting themselves into a pretzel trying to make this unjust, morally reprehensible indictment seem “legit” when they actually let Hillary Clinton “walk” because they figured she’d be the next president.

And just to give you more of an idea of exactly how rigged this corrupt government of ours truly is, take a look at the Truth Social post Trump published recently:

Meanwhile, the decent, patriotic people of America know what’s really going on and who are the real “bad guys” in this nation. When President Trump left the court house in Miami on Tuesday after pleading “not guilty” on 37 charges, he went to a Cuban café where the customers prayed over him in one of the most powerful and beautiful displays of love.

President Trump is truly unique, and that’s precisely why the regime fears and despises him. He’s a president of the people, which doesn’t sit well with the corrupt, money-driven government that runs this country. They simply can’t tolerate someone who genuinely represents the interests of the common folks. That’s how far away we’ve drifted from what our Founding Father’s envisioned.

And that brings us to this incredibly powerful monologue from Tucker Carlson, who spent 13 minutes explaining to America why Trump needs to be the next President of The United States of America.

This 13 minutes from Tucker is more powerful than any endorsement out there. This clip is political platinum from the most powerful media figure in the world.

It’s racked up 60+ million impressions on Twitter so far.

Even the arch-liberal Elon Musk was impressed.