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The left has a knack for skillfully employing the “smoke and mirrors” tactic. This is evident in our daily encounters with Joe Biden, who the media comically portrays as a wise and seasoned politician despite his bungling and buffoonish behavior that suggests otherwise.

Some would argue that the left installs braindead politicians who can be easily manipulated and controlled — zombie politicians who can barely handle their everyday duties and require a “clean up” team to mop up the countless messes. One of those types of politicians is Senator John Fetterman — a man so far gone due to a serious stroke that he makes Joe Biden sound like a world renowned wordsmith.

A recent situation developed where the Fetterman camp tried to play the “smoke and mirrors” game, but it blew up in their face…

Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein reached out to Senator Fetterman’s office requesting a quote related to a Senate hearing on the banking industry. Senator Fetterman’s office provided the requested quote. However, in hindsight, it would have been professional for Mr. Stein to verify the accuracy of the quote by cross-checking it with the video footage of Senator Fetterman’s actual statements. Of course, Stein overlooked this crucial step, leading to a subsequent deletion of his initial tweet and a groveling apology.

“Democracy dies in darkness.”

Here’s a closeup of what Fetterman’s office wants you to believe he said:


Here’s what Fetterman actually said:

And here’s the video of Fetterman struggling to speak in complete sentences.

We understand the challenges that John Fetterman is facing, and it appears that he is unable to perform his duties effectively. However, our primary concern lies with the citizens of Pennsylvania who did not vote for this. They deserve a competent individual who can represent their interests. It’s disheartening to witness Fetterman’s team, including his wife, attempting to conceal his illness and incompetence with smoke and mirrors. Mr. Fetterman and the American people deserve better than that.