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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has just tossed his hat into the 2024 ring. He will officially take on Joe Biden in the upcoming Democrat primary, if Joe lasts that long.

Robert is the son of Bobby Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968. He’s been a loud critic of the Covid vaccine and is a very passionate environmental activist.

Kennedy declared his run with his actress wife Cheryl Hines by his side. He spoke before a rather large and passionate crowd.

“My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign, and throughout my presidency, will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism on our country,” Kennedy declared.

The New York Post:

Kennedy Jr. was once best known as an environmental lawyer who worked on issues such as clean water.

However, in recent years he has emerged as one of the leading opponents of vaccines.

His anti-vaccine rhetoric only intensified after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the development of vaccines to protect against the virus.

Kennedy’s legendary family has made it clear they will not be supporting his presidential run.

RFK Jr.’s political aspirations have largely been shunned by many of his Kennedy relatives, who according to the family’s biographer Laurence Leamer, are “disgusted with his attitude.”

“They still care about him, but he’s an embarrassment,” Leamer said earlier this month soon after the Kennedy family scion revealed he was considering a White House run.


However, that won’t deter Kennedy. His declaration speech went on for nearly 2 hours. Jokingly, Robert said after being censored for 18 long  years, he’s got a lot to talk about. He then warned the political establishment to look out.

“If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race,” Kennedy Jr. wrote in a tweet. “If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms. Together we can restore America’s democracy.”

This should get interesting.

And Robert wasted no time going after Joe Biden, calling him a “pawn” in a geopolitical battle, referring to the Russia/Ukraine war that Biden keeps throwing taxpayer money at.

Daily Mail:

Kennedy said the U.S. government needed to be clear about why we’re aiding Ukraine.

‘It is not in America’s national interest to push Russia closer to China,’ Kennedy argued. ‘It’s not in America’s national interest to involve us in something that could lead to a nuclear exchange.’

‘We are in Ukraine for the right reasons,’ Kennedy also said. ‘We are there because of our compassion for the Ukrainian people who’ve been brutalized, who’ve been illegally invaded.’

But Kennedy questioned the cost.

‘We have money for wars and we ahve money to bail [out] bankers,’ he said. ‘But what happens to American people who hit hard times?’ he mused.

He pointed out that ‘inflation is a tax on the poor.’

Conservative actor Rob Schneider had this to say about Kennedy’s announcement:

That’s something Trump supporters can certainly relate to.

Mr. Kennedy may have a tough road ahead of him, but one thing working in is favor is that Democrats want Biden to face challengers.

You can watch the full video of RFK Jr.’s announcement below:


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