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The much-anticipated sit down between Fox News powerhouse Tucker Carlson and tech, space, and auto giant Elon Musk finally happened—and it did not disappoint.

It was a powerful blend of drama, insight, humor, and terror. The in-depth interview hit all the right notes, as you’d expect from these two media maestros.

We’ve put together highlights and also included a link to the full interview.

Tucker and Elon kicked things off with one of the most terrifying revelations of the evening—Elon revealed that the US intel community had unfettered access to everyone’s private DM messages.

In response to this frightening level of access, Elon says Twitter is working on an encryption device so powerful that even if somebody held a gun to his head, he couldn’t read their DMs.

In this day and age, where government trust is at such a low point, Americans want to feel as if they have some semblance of privacy. But as we get deeper and deeper into technology, privacy feels like a vanishing ideal.

Further into the interview Elon notes that AI has always been a source of great excitement and deep concern for him. Musk also gave some insight into his former friendship with Google founder and tech titan Larry Page, who looks at AI as a “digital god.”

Scary stuff.

And once AI is turned into a “digital god” how on earth do you turn something like that off? According to Elon, you can’t.

Elon is on a quest to make AI as unbiased as possible.

Things lightened up when the two powerhouses enjoyed a chuckle as they savagely dismantled the disgraced New York Times. Warning: the term “diarrhea” was thrown around quite a lot.

The laughs continued as Tucker asked Elon to elaborate on firing a staggering 80% of Twitter’s staff.

Revolver News actually covered this in an exclusive piece just weeks after Elon bought Twitter:

The vast majority of Twitter as it existed just a month ago has disappeared. And yet… Twitter is still there. If anything, it’s a lot better.

This isn’t just a compelling and humorous corporate drama. We could be watching a revolution within the tech industry unfold in real time before our eyes.

In its coverage of Musk’s Twitter adventure, our coverage has mostly focused on the transformative impact Musk could have on free speech. But there is an entirely separate, nearly-as-dramatic impact Musk could have on the tech industry itself.

Read the Rest… Take Out the Trash: Elon Musk Is Attempting One of the Most Important Shake-Ups in Tech History

There’s no denying that Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter has been a major turning point in this country and a huge blow to the radical left-wing agenda.

And one of those blows involves the left using social media platforms for election meddling.

Elon called out Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for spending a jaw-dropping $400 million on his Democrat “Get Out The Vote” campaign. Elon asked Tucker a rhetorical question: does that sound unbiased to you?

No. It doesn’t.

Nobody should be dropping that kind of money is a US election, period.

On a brighter note, Elon has assured us Twitter is no longer a tool for the left’s election meddling and will now play a “fair” role in US elections.

When asked about restoring President Trump’s Twitter account, Elon reiterated he takes free speech very seriously.

And speaking of Trump, in closing, we couldn’t resist sharing this clever AI voice over (it’s not real) where Elon confesses he’s actually a closet fan of the Trump “YMCA dance.”

Who knew?

In addition, this is a fantastic Twitter thread recapping and highlighting the interview.

You can watch the entire interview here:


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