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The raunchy and rude sitcom “Married With Children” debuted on April 5, 1987 and ran until June 9, 1997, which made it the longest running live-action sitcom in Fox history. The sitcom centered around the Bundy family, which included vulgar and miserable dad Al, lazy and overly-sexed wife Peggy, ditzy and slutty teenager Kelly, and scheming younger brother Bud.

Also featured on the show was Marcy — the Bundy’s tightly-wound, prissy neighbor — and her assorted wacky husbands.

Speaking of Al Bundy, in case you weren’t feeling old enough, Ed O’Neil — who played the legendary shoe salesman — just turned 77-years-old.

Ouch. Happy Birthday, Ed.

Most people nowadays will remember Married With Children as “gross” and “offensive,” and they wouldn’t be wrong. It was a vulgar show and pushed the limits by playing up the stereotypes of the 90s nuclear family.

Who can forget these iconic classic moments?

In truth, Married With Children was a peek into where we were — and still are — as a society: slothful, uneducated sex maniacs looking for a  quick buck.

In the 90s, the American family was breaking down, as technology and sex tapes took center stage. Jimmy Kimmel’s “The Man Show” featured women as hilarious bouncy sex objects. And those “get rich quick” schemes were insane:

Married With Children didn’t corrupt the United States. In actuality, the United States is what made Married With Children. However, some people refused to see it that way and instead, blamed the show for breaking down the family and destroying traditional values. In reality, Married With Children shed light on the stereotypical “modern” 90s American family, including the lazy housewife, miserable husband, slutty teenager, and scheming younger brother.

Gee, that describes most neighbors back in 1990.

While many people blamed the raunchy sitcom for dragging society into the gutter, the joke was on them because we were already there. After all, most TV shows are relative to the times. Just look at shows like “Leave it to Beaver” and the 80s hit “Miami Vice.” Both were reflections of society. The 50s were all about family and tradition and the 80s were the decade of pastel decadence and neon lust.

The Bundy family were many strange and funny things, but in a nutshell, they were shallow, selfish, uneducated, and lacked empathy. That’s a perfect description of the 90s, and 2o23, for that matter.

Even still, Married With Children holds a place in many hearts for pushing limits and being wildly inappropriate. These days, when everyone is so easily offended, being that brazen is a badge of honor. Looking back now, maybe instead of criticizing Al and Peg, we should have heeded their warning and examined ourselves and society before it was too late…

So, thank you Married With Children for the laughs and the cringe, and for trying to warn us about ourselves. We should’ve listened and reversed course three decades ago.


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