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Recently, President Trump sat down with Fox New powerhouse Tucker Carlson for an in-depth interview. It was his first since his politically-driven arrest, and in true “Trump fashion” the interview was dynamic and revealing.
RELATED: President Trump dropped several BOMBS on Tucker during his first interview since the arrest…
Tucker was blown away by Trump’s foreign policy savvy, calling his understanding world affairs “nuanced and sophisticated” and most importantly, pro-American – something these moron warmongers know nothing about.
During the interview, Trump discussed the dangers of WW3 that are looming just off in the distance, thanks to Joe Biden and his warmongering puppet masters. In one rather chuckle-worthy exchange, Trump announced we actually have two “n-words,” and warned that neither can be mentioned.
Here’s what President Trump said: “I call it the n-word. You have two n-words. You don’t mention either one of them… I consider [nuclear weapons] to be the single greatest threat the world has, far greater than global warming—like, not even a contest!”
TRUMP: "I call it the n-word. You have two n-words. You don't mention either one of them…I consider [nuclear weapons] to be the single greatest threat the world has, far greater than global warming—like, not even a contest!"
— (@townhallcom) April 12, 2023
Revolver played on this concept in one of our most popular parody articles.
Read More: China Threatens to Use Dreaded N-Bomb Against the United States
President Trump is right — nuclear war is no laughing matter, and is by far the scariest n-word of all, and must be avoided at all costs. Of course, most leftists would likely disagree, and tell you the other “n-word” is far more deadly and dangerous than nuclear war.
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