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There is a Republican Florida state representative named Barnaby Jones who you will likely be hearing a lot about in the coming days. The reason why his name will be floating around is because he said out loud what many people have been quietly thinking about the mentally ill and perverted transvestite community.

During a state committee meeting regarding a bill that would restrict bathroom usage based on gender, Mr. Jones went on a righteous rant, calling out the confused, and mentally sick trans community in a manner that left many people reaching for their smelling  salts.

Mr. Jones referred to trans people as “demons, imps” and “mutants from another planet.”

Oh boy…

And the kicker is that Mr. Jones does not regret speaking those powerful words out loud.


A Florida lawmaker is facing criticism after making controversial comments about the transgender community during a Florida State House committee.

“The Lord rebuke you, Satan, and all of your demons and all of your imps who come and parade before us. That’s right. I called you demons and imps,” said Republican representative Webster Barnaby.

The comments were made Monday during a committee meeting that debated a bill that would restrict restrooms according to reproductive function.

“It’s like we have mutants living among us on planet earth,” he continued, “and this bill is about public safety…People that when you watch the X-men movies.”

Later, Mr. Jones did apologize for one part of his rant. He said he was sorry for calling trans people “demons.”

Barnaby unloaded on those who testified against the bill, activists and advocates in the transgender community who fear further harassment if the bill becomes law.

“How dare he feel the need to use that kind of language,” said Jasmine McKenzie.

McKenzie, who calls herself “The Voice of the South” for her work with the black transgender community in Miami said the community has a bullseye on it.

“Why are we the target? Why are we the topic of conversation? Why are they trying to erase us?” said McKenzie.

Webster later did apologize.

“In reference to my comments in Bill 1521, I referred to trans people as demons,” he said. “I would like to apologize to the trans community for referring to you as demons.”

Apparently, the rest of the rant stands, and he’s not the least bit sorry.

Clearly, Mr. Jones is a man of faith who sees the transvestite lifestyle as an abomination.

The bill that is being debated is “Florida Bill 1521,” and would require exclusive use of restrooms and changing facilities by gender. The bill would prohibit anybody from willfully entering a restroom or changing facility that is designated for the opposite sex, and violators would face a misdemeanor charge.

The bill is on its way to the Florida House. Time will tell if Mr. Jones can withstand the backlash from the left and right and continue to stand his ground.


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