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The New York Times had to get out in front of this one:
Justice Dept. Won’t Bring Charges Against Gaetz in Sex-Trafficking Inquiry, Lawyers Say
Womp womp. Glenn Thrush of the NYT:
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has decided not to bring charges against Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, after a lengthy sex-trafficking investigation that imperiled one of President Donald J. Trump’s most ambitious and hard-charging allies in Congress.
In recent weeks, investigators have signaled they were not likely to pursue a criminal case against Mr. Gaetz, people familiar with the matter said, and department officials told his legal team about the decision early Wednesday.“We have just spoken with the D.O.J. and have been informed that they have concluded their investigation into Congressman Gaetz and allegations related to sex trafficking and obstruction of justice and they have determined not to bring any charges against him,” Mr. Gaetz’s lawyers, Isabelle Kirshner and Marc Mukasey, said in a statement.
This despite the best efforts of compatriot-turned-snitch Joel Greenberg who was up to his eyeballs in crime and corruption:
The decision not to prosecute Mr. Gaetz came two months after his close associate, Joel Greenberg, was sentenced to 11 years in prison on charges including sex trafficking after agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors.
William Barr actually approved of this witch hunt. Gaetz maintained he did nothing wrong the whole time:
Mr. Gaetz has maintained he did nothing wrong, claiming that the women involved were former girlfriends and denying paying any of them in exchange for sex.
“I have a suspicion that someone is trying to recategorize my generosity to ex-girlfriends as something more untoward,” Mr. Gaetz told The Times in 2021. He said he had not had a sexual relationship with a minor and called other accusations of wrongdoing “unequivocally false.”
The investigation into him was opened during the Trump administration and proceeded with the approval of Attorney General William P. Barr.
Revolver covered this witch hunt from the beginning. Nearly two years ago, the New York Times and DOJ went full-blown East German Stasi with their coverage of this story:
Is Gaetz guilty of a crime? Right now, nobody has produced any evidence of one. On the other hand, there is ample evidence the story is more complicated than the Times originally reported. It’s also possible that, like with the Russian collusion hoax, these spectacular allegations are just an excuse for an all-purpose fishing expedition, which could be used to justify a politically-motivated prosecution for “lying to federal investigators.”
But another possibility exists: The attack against Gaetz is an act of “Zersetzung,” a tactic for crushing dissent invented by the East German Stasi secret police.
Twitter user Heywood Floyd recently described the meaning of “Zersetzung,” variously translated as “disintegration” or “decomposition” in a wildly popular twitter thread. He compares the East German Stasi tactic with modern-day cancel culture.
A 1976 Stasi directive describes distintegration tactics as follows:
a systematic degradation of reputation, image, and prestige on the basis of true, verifiable and discrediting information together with untrue, credible, irrefutable, and thus also discrediting information; a systematic engineering of social and professional failures to undermine the self-confidence of individuals; … engendering of doubts regarding future prospects; engendering of mistrust and mutual suspicion within groups …; interrupting respectively impeding the mutual relations within a group in space or time …, for example by … assigning geographically distant workplaces.
[Klaus-Dietmar Henke, Siegfried Suckut, Thomas Großbölting (Hrsg.): Anatomie der Staatssicherheit: Geschichte, Struktur und Methoden. MfS-Handbuch.]
Is Gaetz being hit with a disintegration attack? At the bare minimum, this is exactly what it would look like if he was.
Just as the Stasi itself advised, the attack is based on a kernel of truth. Gaetz is a known associate of Joel Greenberg, a Florida politician and activist who has been indicted on more than a dozen charges from sex trafficking to stalking to manufacturing fake IDs. From that known association, the Times is inviting readers to consider extreme allegations about Gaetz himself. The attack itself is so salacious that it hardly even matters if it is true. Planting the seed of doubt is intended to damage Gaetz for life. The whole point of such attacks is to end his potential political future, and prevent him from ever working again.
Just hours before this story broke, Axios reported that Gaetz was considering leaving Congress to host a show on Newsmax. Now, that’s less likely, even if Gaetz is never convicted of a single charge. Unlike a more mundane campaign finance probe, this investigation could damage Gaetz’s closest relationships. And that of course would be the entire point.
What must be understood about such political prosecutions is that the charges are always beside the point. The Deep State authorities of the national security state don’t care about prostitution, they care about people who pose a threat to their power. That is Gaetz’s real crime and that is why this conversation is taking place at all.
Be sure to read the full enlightening commentary: “The New York Times Goes Full-Blown “East German Stasi” to Destroy Matt Gaetz”.
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