Darren Beattie stormed onto Tucker to discuss how the regime will respond to Elon Musk’s bold move:
Tucker & @DarrenJBeattie On The Importance Of @elonmusk Acquiring Twitter
Darren: "The question of whether we have free speech on what he calls the global public square is indeed of civilizational importance, & it is an existential threat to the crooks that control our regime." pic.twitter.com/o1OfYUaHoS
— The Columbia Bugle ?? (@ColumbiaBugle) October 27, 2022
Darren Beattie explains:
-Elon Musk has the potential to be a great man of history
-He’s stepped out of his designated role as glorified IT support for the regime
-Elon has stepped into a very dangerous high-stakes arena of civilizational importance
-Global free speech is an existential threat to the crooks that run our regime
-If Elon Musk goes through with reinstating global free speech on Twitter, he and Twitter will be designated the number one national security threat by the crooked regime
Dr. Beattie also discussed how one woman who attacked Elon Musk for threatening to restore free speech on Twitter is guilty of herself running fake “Russian bot” information ops on the free speech network.
You can read that piece here: “Disinformation Operative Who Attacked Elon Musk’s Push for “Free Speech” Caught Red-Handed in Secret Influence Operation”:
Of all the regime scribblers and scribes flooding the internet with glorified blog posts on the awfulness of Elon Musk’s Twitter bid, a piece by Renée DiResta published in the Atlantic stands out from the rest — not because of its force of argument, but because of the largely forgotten scandal behind its author.
Like the now disgraced and jobless Nina Jankowicz, DiResta is a career-girl of the Disinformation Industry — a constellation of NATO and US State Department-funded NGOs and civil society groups that censor inconvenient truths, facts and narratives under the guise of protecting the public from so-called “disinformation.” And like Nina Jankowicz, it turns out that DiResta’s name is closely associated with one of the most explosive and aggressively covered-up influence operations of the century.
You can also read our piece, “The Battle of the Century: Here’s What Happens if Elon Musk Buys Twitter”:
[O]ne would be hard pressed to imagine a project more dangerous and difficult than restoring free speech to a major tech platform like Twitter. At the same time, it’s hard to imagine a more worthwhile project. Restoring genuine free speech would do more for patriotic Americans than the GOP taking back the White House in 2024, and it would pose a greater threat to the ruling Regime than anything Russia, China, or Iran might plausibly do.
Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016. If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection. Massive censorship and suppression are the tools needed to prop up Covid tyranny, the Ukraine war fever, and the idea that Lia Thomas is a “woman.” America’s decrepit and illegitimate ruling class intuitively understand this: Absolute freedom of speech, or even the speech norms that prevailed a mere decade ago, would instantly cause the American regime as we know it to crumble.
In short, transforming Twitter back into a real free speech platform would represent nothing less than a declaration of war against the Globalist American Empire.
To fully understand why this is so, it is crucial to understand that Twitter is anything but a conventional “private company.” A company like The Home Depot might have a market cap ten times as large as Twitter’s, yet in terms of power and influence, who controls Twitter is profoundly more consequential. Home Depot would probably not remove its best selling paint cans or cardboard boxes from the shelves. Twitter, on the other hand, deplatformed its most high profile user, Donald J. Trump, while he was the sitting President of the United States. This is only the most dramatic example of censorious policy changes that restrict information flow and profit for Twitter.
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