Ouch… this one has to sting…

Unsurprisingly, the media is already rushing out to support their darling, Crenshaw, characterizing this fairly mild bit of heckling as a violent physical assault by Proud Boys.


Rep. Dan Crenshaw and his staff were violently confronted at the Republican Party of Texas convention a short time ago, when far-right social media activist Alex Stein and others whom witnesses described as Proud Boys began shouting “eyepatch McCain” at him – an attempted insult coined by Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson.

A witness to the incident tells Mediaite that in addition to Stein and others being escorted out of the building, some arrests were made at the scene.

“They got physical with multiple people, including hitting them with cameras,” a witness at the scene said. “His campaign manager was assaulted by being pushed aggressively into a pillar.”

You can see that part in the video above, which was shared by Stein and his blog.

In a photo shared with Mediaite, some of the ejected persons are seen outside the building wearing Proud Boys gear.


That’s quite the spin job, but surely the globalist media machine will eat it up as they come to the defense of one of their erstwhile brothers-in-arms.

It’s been a bit of a rough year for Crenshaw, as more and more conservative and Republican activists have caught onto his shtick.

First, he became unhinged when asked why he keeps attacking MAGA conservative stalwart Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Then, he fell for some of the stupidest fake news war propaganda coming out of Ukraine.

Then, he was obliterated by constituents who couldn’t help but notice his silence and even outright contempt for the January 6th political prisoners.

He also snapped at and bullied a young girl who questioned him about a quote that seemed to suggest that Jesus Christ, who he professes to follow, is not real.

You can see Crenshaw’s original quote and decide for yourself what he meant.

Finally, Dan Crenshaw was roasted by and even ratiod by someone named “Bungus Chigg” over his eagerness to shovel American taxpayer dollars into the Ukrainian black hole at a time of record inflation and monetization of U.S. debt.

Crenshaw’s response to Bungus Chigg was… not encouraging, considering how the D.C.’s Ukrainian debacle is backfiring majorly right in the face of the average American.

For Crenshaw, the hits keep coming. And for his loyalty to GOP donors and not the GOP voters, the Repbublican party will probably groom him to be House speaker one day.

Such is life in the Globalist American Empire.

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