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It’s no secret that DEI is one of the left’s most dangerous and destructive movements—and that’s saying something, considering their abysmal track record. But what makes DEI especially dangerous is how it spreads. Like black mold, it creeps into every crack and crevasse of American life, rotting institutions from the inside out.
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We recently covered a story about a DEI activist and FAA supervisor handing out exam answers to minority candidates applying for air traffic control jobs. Let that sink in for a minute. These are the people responsible for keeping planes in the sky. How scary is that?
DEI is slowly but surely destroying this country. It’s gotten so bad—so deeply entrenched in every system—that President Trump has made eradicating it a cornerstone of his administration. And not a moment too soon.
Just look at this latest bombshell, courtesy of a Daily Mail exclusive. They got their hands on a voicemail from a DEI activist and FAA supervisor who, according to their report, handed out critical answers to an air traffic control exam—to a select group of minority candidates.
You can read that entire piece below:
Let’s be real—you can’t have a thriving, powerful country when mediocrity is installed at every level. When corporations, medicine, higher education, and politics are filled with charity cases and unqualified placeholders, failure isn’t just a possibility—it’s inevitable.
Just look at this DEI disaster, Jasmine Crockett—playing dress-up as a “gangsta.”
We all know something has to be done—and so does President Trump. That’s why eradicating DEI is at the very top of his to-do list.
And now, thanks to US Attorney Ed Martin, the entire DEI agenda could be ripped out by the roots and wiped off the face of the earth.
It all comes down to one court ruling. If the courts do their job—meaning, if they actually follow the law and the US Constitution—DEI could be a thing of the past.
Here’s what US Attorney Ed Martin said in his post on X:
This week, my office filed a motion to vacate a decades-old consent decree in Luevano v. OPM, which restricts the Executive Branch from implementing proper and efficient hiring procedures for applicants to federal government service.
This week, my office filed a motion to vacate a decades-old consent decree in Luevano v. OPM, which restricts the Executive Branch from implementing proper and efficient hiring procedures for applicants to federal government service. Read our motion here:,…
— U.S. Attorney Ed Martin (@USAEdMartin) March 13, 2025
Here’s a full breakdown of Mr. Martin’s argument—we think you’ll find it both insightful and eye-opening.
THIS IS BIG. If this motion is granted, employment tests could come back to government hiring. That opens the door for the private sector to also use tests in making employment decisions.
TLDR: The Trump justice department is asking the court for permission to reinstate the use of standardized tests (including tests that measure intelligence) in hiring decisions for federal agencies.
The test in place at the time, called PACE, was nixed because it showed disparate impact against Black and Hispanic applicants, and a consent decree in place for over 40 years banned the government from using PACE and made it extremely difficult to use any test for most jobs. This was because “. . . those selection methods which were most valid also had the greatest adverse impact.”
@USAEdMartin’s argument is that:
1⃣The decree violates Supreme Court decisions because it systematically favors Black and Hispanic applicants.
2⃣The decree is unworkable because it has proven impossible to create a standardized test that is both valid and has no disparate impact against Black and Hispanic applicants. The government created SIX different tests to try to square this circle, and all of them failed to meet the standards imposed by the decree. This unworkable-ness makes the decree illegal.
3⃣There is no expiration date or sunset clause, which courts have ruled since the 1990s makes decrees legally suspect, especially if the facts on the ground or legal precedents have changed (which they have in this case).Let’s hope for a speedy legal victory on this issue. 🤞
THIS IS BIG. If this motion is granted, employment tests could come back to government hiring. That opens the door for the private sector to also use tests in making employment decisions.
TLDR: The Trump justice department is asking the court for permission to reinstate the use…
— Russell T. Warne 🇺🇸🇨🇱🇮🇱 (@Russwarne) March 14, 2025
This ruling could be the ultimate death blow to the left’s DEI agenda—ripping it out by the roots and tossing it into the dustbin of history where it belongs. Now, let’s just hope the court can set politics and wokeness aside and, for once, rule based on the law. Wouldn’t that be a refreshing change?
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