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If you’ve been following Revolver News, you know we’ve had Norm Eisen’s number for years. But who is Norm Eisen, really?

It’s a loaded question, but here’s the short version of how he got started: Norm’s a Harvard Law grad. Back in 1991 he met his BFF Barack Obama. While he was there, he also served as Assistant Director of the Anti-Defamation League (a left-wing anti-free speech/propaganda group) and worked as a research assistant to his professor, Alan Dershowitz.

But Eisen’s story takes a much darker turn the moment he and his Deep State buddies saw their power apparatus crumbling, thanks to a political outsider named Donald J. Trump.

Long before everyone else caught on, we identified him as the Deep State’s legal mastermind and the architect behind the relentless lawfare weaponized against President Trump.

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Four years ago, we officially introduced our readers to Norm Eisen—exposing him as one of the quietest, yet most lethal, players in the plot to remove and destroy President Trump.


As the man who implemented the David Brock blueprint for suing the President into paralysis and his allies into bankruptcy, who helped mainstream and amplify the Russia Hoax, who drafted 10 articles of impeachment for the Democrats a full month before President Trump ever called the Ukraine President in 2018, who personally served as special counsel litigating the Ukraine impeachment, who created a template for Internet censorship of world leaders and a handbook for mass mobilizing racial justice protesters to overturn democratic election results, there is perhaps no man alive with a more decorated resume for plots against President Trump.

Indeed, the story of Norm Eisen – a key architect of nearly every attempt to delegitimize, impeach, censor, sue and remove the democratically elected 45th President of the United States – is a tale that winds through nearly every facet of the color revolution playbook. There is no purer embodiment of Revolver’s thesis that the very same regime change professionals who run Color Revolutions on behalf of the US Government in order to undermine or overthrow alleged “authoritarian” governments overseas, are running the very same playbook to overturn Trump’s 2016 victory and to pre-empt a repeat in 2020. To put it simply, what you see is not just the same Color Revolution playbook run against Trump, but the same people using it against Trump who have employed it in a professional capacity against targets overseas—same people same playbook.

In Norm Eisen’s case, the “same people same playbook” refrain takes an arrestingly literal turn when one realizes that Norm Eisen wrote a classic Color Revolution regime change manual, and conveniently titled it “The Playbook.”

As we correctly pointed out four years ago, Norm Eisen was a key player in implementing America’s “Color Revolution”—a scheme designed to steamroll the will of the people and keep power in the hands of Norm’s unelected Deep State.

Our work was groundbreaking then—and it still matters today.

The Revolver piece continues:

Just what exactly is President Obama’s former White House Ethics Czar (yes, Norm Eisen was Obama’s ethics Czar), his longtime friend since Harvard Law School, who recently partook in war games to simulate overturning a Trump electoral victory, doing writing a detailed playbook on how to use a Color Revolution to overthrow governments? The story of Norm Eisen only gets more fascinating, outrageous, and indispensable to understanding the planned chaos unfolding before our eyes, leading up to what will perhaps be the most chaotic election in our nation’s recent history.


“I’d Rather Have This Book Than The Atomic Bomb”

Before we can fully appreciate the significance of Norm Eisen’s Color Revolution manual “The Playbook,” we must contextualize this important book in relation to its place in Color Revolution literature.

As a bit of a refresher to the reader, it is important to emphasize that when we use the term “Color Revolution” we do not mean any general type of revolution—indeed, one of the chief advantages of the Color Revolution framework we advance is that it offers a specific and concrete heuristic by which to understand the operations against Trump beyond the accurate but more vague term “coup.” Unlike the overt, blunt, method of full scale military invasion as was the case in Iraq War, a Color Revolution employs the following strategies and tactics:

A “Color Revolution” in this context refers to a specific type of coordinated attack that the United States government has been known to deploy against foreign regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe deemed to be “authoritarian” and hostile to American interests. Rather than using a direct military intervention to effect regime change as in Iraq, Color Revolutions attack a foreign regime by contesting its electoral legitimacy, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press. [Revolver]

We encourage you to go back and read this piece again. Even if you’ve already got the full picture, it’ll help fill in some much-needed blanks:

Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump

But Norm wouldn’t stop at the first or even second impeachment of Trump. No. Norm’s wicked tricks went far beyond that, and the Deep State’s biggest hatchet man was tasked with removing President Trump from the 2024 ballot, and he began his dirty work in Colorado.

This was our exclusive piece on that plot from one year ago.


The corrupt regime has violated every basic principle of decency, every premise of self-government, and every standard of justice for so long and so often that the public has become largely inured to the latest outrage. And yet the Colorado Supreme Court’s recent decision to exclude Trump—the front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, mind you—from the ballot stands out for its stupidity, shortsightedness, and maliciousness even in this environment.

The 200+ page decision is a work of such slop that it makes Roe v. Wade look like a paragon of principled and coherent legal reasoning by comparison. The theory of the case is that Trump is constitutionally prohibited from returning to the White House on the basis of the following “Section 3” provision of the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in the aftermath of the Civil War:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

As we now know, that attempt was a total flop. The language was so absurdly vague, it never actually clarified whether the provision applied to the presidency. In fact, the district court got it right—it didn’t apply.

But facts and the rule of law have never stopped Norm Eisen.

Our piece goes on:

More interesting than the sham legal theory behind the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision is the organization behind it called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). As the organization boasts on its website, CREW is responsible, along with a handful of law firms, for bringing the cases in question to the Colorado Supreme Court. CREW might be familiar to Revolver readers for the fact that notorious Democrat lawfare hatchet man Norm Eisen co-founded the organization in 2003 and ran it for most of Trump’s presidency, during which time it generated nearly 200 lawsuits against the Trump administration.

Norm Eisen drafted ten articles of impeachment against Trump before Trump’s phone call with Zelensky even took place and went on to serve as special counsel in the first impeachment proceedings against Trump. Eisen worked with his colleague on a lawsuit claiming Trump violated the emoluments clause before he was even sworn in. Incidentally, his colleague Joseph Sellers represented Congressman Bennie Thompson in his January 6 lawsuit against Trump, which later became the basis for the second impeachment against Trump and the January 6 Committee report. Indeed, it would hardly be an exaggeration to say that Norm Eisen has been a key architect of nearly every attempt to delegitimize, impeach, censor, sue, and remove the democratically elected 45th President of the United States—all in the name of democracy, of course. Years ago, we first brought Norm Eisen’s name to national attention in the context of his work on color revolutions overseas and the fact that he was deploying the same tools as a lawfare operative to undermine Trump that he would use in the State Department to undermine foreign leaders deemed to be adversaries of the United States.

Norm, the Deep State’s “Energizer Bunny,” is now going after DOGE.


Thanks to Revolver’s reporting, the pattern is impossible to miss: Norm Eisen was the man behind the curtain—the bungling wizard, frantically pulling levers and cranking the smoke machine, trying to create the illusion that he was “saving democracy” from an evil tyrant.

But in reality? Norm and his crew (literally, CREW) were the bad guys all along.

Now, with President Trump facing yet another barrage of legal attacks, it’s more important than ever to revisit what we exposed years ago—and why Eisen deserves to face real justice for what he’s done.

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And speaking of justice, a recent X thread by The Researcher lays out the case for treason and sedition against Eisen, connecting the same dots we’ve been pointing out for years now on how he worked with the national security state to sabotage and overthrow Trump. His case reinforces what we’ve been saying all along—Eisen wasn’t just behind Trump’s first sham impeachment; he was leading a full-scale coup, and in America, that’s illegal.

Let’s not forget why Eisen orchestrated that impeachment in the first place. It wasn’t about “protecting democracy.” It was about protecting Joe Biden. The goal was to pre-bunk Biden’s corruption—to cover for his dirty dealings in Ukraine before the 2020 election and create a fake scandal to tie up Trump. And when the Mueller hoax collapsed, Eisen and his team—including Adam Schiff, Alexander Vindman, and Eric Ciaramella—pivoted to Ukraine and launched the next manufactured crisis.

But Eisen didn’t stop at impeachment. As Senator Grassley exposed, he was working with the national security state on Arctic Frost—a deep state lawfare operation designed to cripple Trump’s presidency and ultimately remove him from power.

The Researcher:

Michael Schellenberger and Dan Bongino are covering the USAID aspect of the Trump impeachment but they are overlooking the outcome of that operation which was Norm Eisen’s first Trump impeachment which was to pre-bunk Joe Biden’s corruption before the 2020 election. The USAID story was one piece of that.

Norm then went on to work with the national security state on the lawfare portion to take out Trump. Senator Grassley exposed the operation. It was called Arctic Frost.

The National security state has been working with Norm Eisen to take out Trump since 2016. It’s called a color revolution/coup. They are continuing this effort today via lawfare (FBI case, USAID funding, all of the Trump EOs, etc). Eisen’s legal expertise

Everyone involved should be charged with sedition and/or treason.
Arctic Frost

Norm told us about the impeachment in his book, granted it was the story he wanted people to hear not the whole truth.

OCCRP is just a piece of the bigger story.

You can read this entire thread by clicking here.

Norm was the point man from the very beginning—and sadly, he still is.

Every time you pull back the curtain on the latest plot to take down President Trump, there he is—Norm Eisen.

The real question is, how has one man been allowed to wreak this much havoc—and when will he finally face real justice?


What Norm took part in wasn’t just dirty U.S. politics. It was an unconstitutional coup. A plot to sabotage and overthrow a duly elected president using disinformation, fabricated scandals, and weaponized legal warfare.

READ MORE: DOGE employee popped into IRS HQ—and sent everyone into a panic…

Many believe that Eisen and everyone involved in this operation should be charged with sedition and treason. They didn’t just attack Trump—they attacked the American people and our right to elect our own president.

And now, as Eisen and his cronies are trying to run the same playbook in 2025, we need to expose them again and stop them before they finish the evil, immoral, and unconstitutional job they started.

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