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The US Mint has gone full-blown propaganda mode with its new J6 coin—a slap in the face to every victim of the shameless “Fedsurrection,” an apropos term coined by Revolver’s own Darren Beattie.

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The description of this disgraceful coin will make your blood boil—not just because it’s literally dripping with twisted left-wing propaganda, but because it’s also a bald-faced lie. There was no insurrection on January 6. None. Nada. Zilch.

But fist bumps aside, the FBI and the Supreme Court of the United States also made clear that J6 was not an insurrection:

Yet, even so, this absurd fairytale lives on thanks to the regime-run media, and now the US Mint.

In truth, J6 was a three-hour melee that spiraled out of control, thanks largely to the reckless actions of the Capitol Police, who fired teargas into the crowd…

And let’s not forget all the FBI’s assets who helped whip the crowd into a frenzy.

Who could forget the curious case of Ray Epps, who literally directed people into the Capitol—only to be treated like some misunderstood victim by the J6 committee?

This man is on video stirring up chaos like nobody else, yet he was handled with kid gloves and even gifted a cozy “puff piece” interview on 60 Minutes.

As you probably remember, it was Revolver News that first put a harsh spotlight on Ray Epps and his over-the-top suspicious behavior. We were among the first to wonder if Mr. Epps was part of the FBI’s setup against President Trump and his supporters.

This story may be three years old, but it’s what set off the Epps explosion—and it’s worth revisiting as Americans start demanding more answers about January 6.


The story of the mystery man, Ray Epps, featured in Rep. Massie’s video above is in fact far more shocking than even the good Congressman implies in the hearing. It’s a story so strange, and so scandalous at every turn, that it threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.

If Revolver News’s previous reporting points to a proactive role of the federal government in relation to the conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, the Ray Epps story that follows suggests a similar, yet more egregious, explicit, direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself.

Here is a transcript of Thomas Massie’s exchange with the Attorney General, just in case you skipped past the video above.

Rep. Massie: As far as we can determine, the individual who was saying he’ll probably go to jail, he’ll probably be arrested, but they need to go into the Capitol the next day, is then directing people into the Capitol the next day, is then the next day directing people to the Capitol. And as far as we can find. You said this is one of the most sweeping in history. Have you seen that video, or those frames from that video?

AG Garland: So as I said at the outset, one of the norms of the Justice Department is to not comment on pending investigations, and particularly not to comment on particular scenes or particular individuals.

Rep. Massie: I was hoping today to give you an opportunity to put to rest the concerns that people have that there were federal agents or assets of the federal government present on January 5 and January 6. Can you tell us, without talking about particular incidents or particular videos, how many agents or assets of the federal government were present on January 6, whether they agitated to go into the Capitol, and if any of them did?

AG Garland: So I’m not going to violate this norm of, uh, of, of, of, the rule of law.

[Looks down and away]

I’m not going to comment on an investigation that’s ongoing.

You can read the full piece and dive into our library of J6 coverage by clicking the link below:

The Essential Revolver News January 6 Reading List

Sure enough, after relentless public pressure, the regime finally charged Epps—but handed him the lightest slap on the wrist you’ve ever seen. Meanwhile, J6 attendees who did far less than Epps were left rotting in prison until President Trump issued pardons.

And that brings us to the US Mint’s brand-new J6 coin—a so-called “commemorative piece” meant to honor the brave Capitol police, heroic lawmakers, and fearless journalists who “survived” that fateful day. (We could barely type that with a straight face…)

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But it’s the coin’s description that will really make your blood boil. It smugly labels the J6 protesters—a crowd of Americans who showed up that day because they believed with all their heart and soul that the 2020 election was rigged (which, let’s be honest, it likely was)—as a “mob of insurrectionists.”

Shameless lies.

Here’s a closeup of the images shared:



So, what’s really going on here? And who’s running the US Mint? Well, shocker—it’s probably yet another DEI hire from the failed Biden regime. Another “historic first” who either doesn’t have the sense to tell the difference between left-wing propaganda and reality—or does and just doesn’t care and is dutifully following orders.

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Either way, meet Ventris Gibson, Biden’s hand-picked US Mint Director, proudly celebrated for being the first Black woman to hold the position. And what’s her big claim to fame? Slapping left-wing conspiracy theories onto a coin and selling it for profit.


As it stands, this woman was appointed for a five-year term, starting in 2022—which means we’re stuck with her for two more years. But here’s a real historic “first” idea that needs to happen: President Trump should make Ventris Gibson the first Black female US Mint Director to be fired for spreading propaganda and shameless lies.

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And while we’re at it, that phony J6 coin should be yanked out of circulation immediately, chucked into a smelter, and melted down into liquid gold—maybe then, for the first time, it’ll have some actual value.

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