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The globalists have peddled a lot of lies. Off the top of our heads is the climate change hoax and COVID sham. But one of the deadliest and life-altering of all their fraudulent initiatives is the “Diversity Is Our Strength” scam.
Turns out, diversity isn’t just a bad idea—it’s downright deadly. It’s a nuclear bomb to tradition, stability, and any culture that isn’t based on Islam.
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Just look at Stockholm. Once a peaceful, charming, and thriving city—is now a war zone. Thanks to unchecked migration, parts of Sweden are more dangerous than Baghdad. Bombings are a regular occurrence, and someone is murdered every 28 hours.
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This isn’t progress. This is the deliberate destruction of the West, sold to us as strength. And Sweden is just the canary in the coal mine.
These are the Swedes who helped turn their once-great country into a deathtrap, all so they could score some progressive brownie points:
Now, thanks to yet another failed left-wing globalist agenda, there’s full-blown panic in Sweden as the country goes from calm, safe, and peaceful—to a literal hellhole of violence and filth.
Explosions in Stockholm have become so frequent the city’s estate agents are listing ‘no bombings’ in their ‘pro’ columns when advertising properties for neighbourhoods buyers might be unfamiliar with.
Already this month there have been more than 30 bomb attacks including a blast in which an elderly man lost his leg. Last year, a 20-year-old recently graduated teacher was killed in an explosion.
As the property adverts demonstrate, the horror has started to blend into the background. It has become so normal for Swedes to learn that an apartment complex or shopfront has been blown to bits that some attacks barely make the news.
“People get tired of it,” Swedish academic and researcher Goran Adamson told the Express. “You cannot take it in because if you did, you would go crazy. [But] the situation is much worse than people seem to realise.”
At this point, the criminal leaders running Sweden’s new war zone aren’t even in the country—they’re calling the shots from Turkey and Iraq. The piece goes on:
“Most of [the leaders] do not even live in Sweden,” Khoshnood added. “They live in Turkey or Iraq but were born in Sweden or came there at a very young age. But since the Swedish police are after them they have decided to be based in Iraq, for example. The individuals being arrested by the police are the footsoldiers and are from 14-19 years of age.”
Khoshnood said that, while drug trafficking and turf wars account for a large proportion of the violence that has transformed Sweden, it was also the case that criminal ‘honour’ or respect was a driving force in bloody conflicts.
“In the city of Gothenburg has witnessed one of the bloodiest wars between two criminal networks in the same area that all started with the girlfriend of one leader who went to the other.
“[Afterwards] all hell broke loose and 15 years later we are still witnessing a war between these two gangs. The leaders who started it are both dead, but the conflict goes on.”
According to Goran Adamson, the reason Sweden has become a murder hotspot with brazen teen killers and bombings over gang territory is because it has naively let itself become a playground for criminals from around the world.
“This has been escalating and it has been allowed to escalate because Sweden has been a magnet for criminals from the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe,” he said.
Sadly, this nightmare is an all-too-familiar scenario these days. Europe handed over the keys to their continent, and now they’re (terrified) strangers in their own home.
Countries like Sweden and the UK are prime examples of what happens when you trick people into believing “diversity is their strength.” The people they’re importing have no desire to assimilate. It’s their way or the highway.
Let this be a harsh, painful lesson for every EU citizen: your traditions, your culture, and your way of life are always just one refugee away from total annihilation.
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