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As you know, President Trump kept one of his biggest promises: he pardoned all the January 6th political prisoners on day one. That’s the good news. The bad news is that reports suggest that some of these prisoners still haven’t been released, despite the fact that a presidential pardon is absolute and immediate.

READ MORE: Inauguration, President Trump, and Quad-Demics, OH MY…

We’ve covered this developing story about January 6th political prisoners becoming hostages within the regime’s corrupt jail system.


Reports indicate that DC and other jails are slow-walking the process and refusing to release the hostages, which goes against the entire idea of the pardon, which “trumps” all—pun intended.

When word of this hostage situation hit the internet, all hell broke loose, and MAGA jumped into action like angry pit bulls, standing up for the J6 hostages with the fire of a thousand suns.

MAGA’s biggest online activists and influencers wasted no time and took to X and instructed followers on how to fight back. Charlie Kirk, a warrior in his own right, was among the first, instructing J6 family members to take a copy of the signed EO to the prison and demand the release of their loved one.

As Charlie points out, the presidential pardon is absolute, total, and immediate.

You can read this entire powerful piece below:

Report: Jails refusing to release pardoned J6 hostages, MAGA army unleashes PIT BULL attack…

Now, more rumors are swirling. This time, we’re hearing unconfirmed reports that DC jail guards—suspected of abusing and beating January 6th prisoners—are in full-blown panic mode. According to the rumors, these terrified guards are worried their actions against J6 American citizens will come to light and force them to face justice as the actual bad guys in this sordid story.

This panic story lines up with the rumors about DC guards refusing to release pardoned J6 political prisoners. The unconfirmed reports are said to be so serious that the US Marshals have gotten involved.

This is just one example of the unconfirmed rumors of beatings and abuse against pardoned January 6th political hostages that are flooding the internet.


But honestly, are any of these rumors really that hard to believe? Allegations of abuse against January 6th political prisoners in the DC prison system have been running rampant for years.

And now, we see the proof of it.

Sadly, it was likely so much worse…

Johnny Midnight:

Can you Imagine the amount of Physical Torture and the mental Torture? Heard some have had broken bones.

Torturing Jan 6 Political Prisoners With Ear-Piercing Noise And Depriving Them of Sleep For Weeks. FOR WEEKS. FOR WEEKS. FOR WEEKS. FOR WEEKS. FOR WEEKS,

J6 defendants housed in C3A, the cell block known as the Patriot Pod in the DC gulag where J6ers are segregated from the general population

The left-wing New York Times actually covered the story of possible abuse by regime guards, but, of course, they added their usual “regime-approved” spin. This article is from 2023.

The New York Times:

House Republicans on Thursday began their promised investigation into whether people charged with crimes in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol have been mistreated in jail, fulfilling a pledge G.O.P. leaders made to their right flank.

The investigation — part of a broader effort by Republicans to rewrite the history of the riot in part by portraying participants as the true victims — has been a top priority of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia.

On Thursday, Ms. Greene wrote to the D.C. mayor, Muriel Bowser, demanding answers to questions, a tour of the correctional facility in southeastern Washington, and access to staff and inmates to conduct interviews by March 23. She and two other lawmakers also asked for all documents and communications about the Jan. 6 detainees’ complaints regarding the conditions.

“Eyewitness accounts of conditions at the D.C. jail facilities — particularly regarding the treatment of Jan. 6 detainees — paint a picture of despair, hopelessness, and a severe abuse of justice,” Ms. Greene wrote in the letter, which was also signed by Representative James R. Comer, Republican of Kentucky and the chairman of the Oversight Committee, and Representative Clay Higgins, Republican of Louisiana. “No prisoner in the United States should be treated in this fashion.”

You can read the letter Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote to radical DC Mayor Bowser about the abuse allegations here.

Rep. Greene became a vocal advocate for the January 6th political prisoners, calling the jail a “gulag” after seeing the conditions for herself.

We’ve also heard unconfirmed reports that radical Mayor Bowser is behind the slow walking of January 6th political hostages’ release.


[…] there are more unconfirmed—and disturbing—reports claiming the driving force behind the DC delays is none other than the radical, Trump-hating Mayor Bowser.

Revolver has not been able to verify these claims, but it’s a story that’s gaining a lot of attention…

Regardless, it’s still unconfirmed.

Douglass Mackey, who knows all too well about the left’s lawfare—having been recently tried and convicted of conspiracy and election interference for posting an anti-Hillary meme in 2016—believes Mayor Bowser should face the most serious consequences for this blatant betrayal of the law. Here’s what he said in response to the claims about Bowser’s possible involvement:

You can read the entire piece below:

Claim: Mayor Bowser is driving force behind delaying release of pardoned J6 hostages…

Many believe there’s just too much smoke around these unconfirmed J6 stories for there not to be some fire. And honestly, it’s not surprising. The Deep State gambled nearly everything they had on using January 6th to take down President Trump and secure another fake presidential win for the Democrats. It didn’t pan out, but some believe they’re still clinging to that dream—and that’s why we’re hearing these disturbing rumors.

Are they true? We may never know, thanks to the divisiveness, weaponization, and political propaganda we’ve been drowning in. But at some point, common sense has to kick in. If it walks and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

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