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California—and the entire progressive agenda—just took another massive hit. The data is in, and surprise, surprise: the Universal Basic Income experiment was an epic failure.
If you don’t remember what UBI is, here’s a quick refresher from Cal Matters:
Four years after Stockton conducted a nationally watched experiment, giving 125 households $500 a month with no strings attached, dozens of programs throughout California are testing the idea of a guaranteed income.
CalMatters identified more than 40 similar pilot programs that have run, are operating or are planning to launch around the state. They are sending certain groups of low-income people regular, unrestricted cash payments ranging from $300 to $1,800 a month for periods of six months to three years, depending on the program.
In all, the programs represent the largest modern U.S. experiment in unrestricted cash payments, with more than 12,000 Californians expected to receive more than $180 million in public and private funds. Nowhere else have so many guaranteed income pilot programs launched at the same pace.
In other words, it was just more fake “free money” tossed at people who had no track record of being able to use is wisely. It’s no surprise the experiment was a complete disaster. Any sane person could see it was a bad idea from the start, and now it’s flopped massively.
Yet another Universal Basic Income study was released just before the holidays.
While being given ~$500 per month in free money, participants only ended up $100 richer and smoked more cigarettes.
The full results are eye opening. (1/10)
The study gave about $500 per month to 695 households over two years in Compton, California. Another 1,402 were designated as a control group. The findings: (2/10)
“Receiving guaranteed income had no impact on the labor supply of full-time workers, but part-time workers had a lower labor market participation by 13 percentage points.” (3/10)“
Income (excluding the transfer) was reduced by $333 per month on average relative to control households, and expenditures were reduced by $302 per month.” (4/10)
“At the same time, average non-housing debt balances declined by $2,190 over 18 months relative to the control group, although the drop is not statistically significant.” (5/10)
“We find a significant improvement in housing security, but no overall effects on indices of psychological and financial well-being.” (6/10)
“The list experiments show strong evidence of relative reductions in IPV, weak evidence of reduced alcohol consumption, and moderately strong evidence of relative increases in tobacco consumption.” (9/10)
You can read the entire thread by clicking here.
Yet another Universal Basic Income study was released just before the holidays.
While being given ~$500 per month in free money, participants only ended up $100 richer and smoked more cigarettes.
The full results are eye opening. (1/10)
— Athan Koutsiouroumbas (@Athan_K) January 6, 2025
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Unsurprisingly, when you hand out freebies to poor people, they often make bad decisions and blow the money on instant gratification—that’s why they tend to stay poor.
This is a textbook example of left-wing, pie-in-the-sky ideas that completely ignore the real issues. The cycle of misery and failure continues…
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